Chapter 23

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         I woke up this morning and looked over at my alarm clock. 6:00a.m. I groaned in my pillow and got up and started for the shower, when I got to the door it was closed, ugh Shawn hurry up! I went to the closet and picked out my close for today,by the time I picked out my outfit Shawn was coming out of the bathroom in only his boxers. "You know you should really have a room connected to a bathroom that has a working shower!" I spoke. "What's the fun in that then I can't bug you, by walking in and out." He replied leaning on the door frame of the bathroom."just kidding, today after you get home we will explore the house and change rooms." He continued. "Okay!" I spoke excitedly. He walked out of my room and I walked in the bathroom with my clothes.


It was 7:10 when I was all done showering, doing my hair, and makeup. I took one last look in the mirror and headed for the door. I walked to the kitchen and put some eggs on the frying pan and bread in the toaster. I went to the cupboard and pulled out two plates. The toast popped up scaring me to a jump. "You get me every time I snarled at the toaster, taking by toast and buttering it. I put two pieces on both shawn's plate and mine. The eggs were done so I put them on the toast of everyone's plate.
"Shawn get down here and eat."I yelled up the stairs."I'm coming." I got a reply back. I starting eating right away. Shawn came running down the stairs, and sat next to me to eat his breakfast. I looked at the clock, "oh crap we have to go Shawn. I got up and walked my plate to the dishwasher and grabbed my bag, and walked out the door. Shawn followed slowly behind me. "What car are we taking" Shawn asked. "Yours, I don't really care." I replied.


We got to school right on time. I walked to my locker and Brooke was waiting for me."hey!" "Hey Linds."she replied happily. "What's gotten into you?"I asked curiously."guess!" "Ummm....I give up tell me." I said. "Justin talked to me!" She suddenly became even happier. "Tell me everything!"I replied. "Well this morning at morning detention Justin walked in and sat next to me! He said hey and I said hi and stuff. And ya." She spoke. "That's it?!"I asked. "And he asked me to hang out with him this weekend!" We jumped up and down together."omg I'm so happy for you!!" Rrrrriiiinnnnggg.
    Oh gotta go love ya, We both said and walked separate ways to our classes, mine just happening to be on the other side of the fricken school, I started running. "What's the point I'm going to be late anyway. I mumbled to myself. Right outside the door the bell rang. Mr.thomas saw me in the window and mouthed the words office to me. "Great you couldn't have told me that when I was on the other side of the school. I said as I walked back the way I just came from.
The morning classes went by fast for sitting in the office sleeping at the corner table, and volunteering to help the office lady.

      I sat at my regular spot at lunch, but today Justin sat by Brooke, Nick sat next to me, and Crawford and Shawn sat by Nick. We all talked about random things and laughed a lot.

    The bell rang and I refused to go to history, so I went back to the office for that class. Today I have gym so I'll go to 5th hour. I sleep until the bell rang for 5th hour. I went to my locker and grabbed my gym clothes and walked to the gym locker room. I changed into my blue-gray gym tee and black shorts, and put on my gym shoes. Unlike all of the other girls I actually got ready, and unlike all the other girls I actually new what I was going in gym.
   There was one other person that actually got ready too. Kyla. I only know her because of yesterday, and I only know her name. Today we were playing ping pong and we all had to pick a partner. Usually I'd pick someone I knew but today I let some pick me and Kyla did. 

    Everyone talked to their partners while they hit the ping pong ball back and forth, but Kyla and I were quiet. "Hi I'm Kyla."she spoke breaking the science. "I know." I spoke annoyed to even look at her. "Oh, well I'm sorry."
"For what?" I asked. "Well I think we started out on the wrong foot."she spoke quietly but loud enough for me to here her at the other end of the table. "Why do you think that?"I asked. "Well I understand that you were dating Sam and all but I didn't try taking him away from you we are just friends. I'm sorry.."she spoke softly. "Thanks for apologizing, and it's fine, I didn't really like him all that much that way anyway, we are also just friends too I guess. "Okay, I'm really sorry though." It's okay" I replied. "Do you wanna hang out this weekend?" She asked me. "Sure." I replied actually kinda excited.

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