Chapter 7⃣

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I wake up to the sound of the front door closing. Crap! I got out of bed and ran down the stairs to see if my dad was still here. I ran out the door and they were already gone. Ugh! I walked back inside with an angry look on my face. Shawn was standing there watching me.
"What!" I yelled at him.
"What's wrong with you?"
"I didn't even get to say goodbye to my dad, and I'm stuck here with you!" I said pointing at him.
"Wow, that was rude."
"Or you are just a baby." I said stomping up the stairs.
He didn't like the fact that I called him a baby, so he ran after me with the angriest face I've ever seen on him before. I ran in my room and slammed the door, locking it behind me.
"Open the door Lindsey." He begged.
"Why so you can kill me?" I asked.
"I won't kill you I swear."
"It's not good to swear." I joked
"Ha your funny."
"Just go away!"
"Why would I do that?"
"Because puppy guarding my door might cause me to call the cops." I teased.
"I am a cop!" He said.
I ran and jumped on my bed, I sat on my pillows and ignored him while he talked about who knows what for about 30 minutes.
"Don't you have any friends?" I asked.
"Just you." He replied
"Whatever, just go hang out with your friends, invite them over to annoy."
"Mom said no friends over."
"Just go, I won't tell her!"
"Ya, unless you make me mad."
"I won't I promise." He said running to his room and calling someone.
Wow, I thought to myself he is such a little kid haha. I went to my closet and got new clothes for today. I got in he shower and realized that I should probably go shopping sometime to get new clothes! When I was out of the shower I dried off, got changed, did my make-up and let my hair air dry, and ran downstairs. Shawn and his friend were sitting in the kitchen talking about something that I didn't care to listen to. I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and filled it with water.
"Lindsey this is Crawford, Crawford this is my sister Lindsey." Shawn spoke.
"Nice to meet you." We both said at the same time. I giggled.
"Shawn I'm going to the mall, you guys wanna come?"
"Sure." they replied
"Im driving!" Shawn yelled, as him and Crawford ran out the door.
Crawford...I thought, such a cute name...and he's so hot! I thought to myself as I grabbed my purse and walked out the door locking it behind me.

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