Chapter 31

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I ended up sitting in the office today because if I do that then I don't have to go to after school detention. I hid my phone under the corner table in the office and texted Nick.

"Hey Come sit in the office all day so you don't have to sit after school detention. That's what I'm doing."

I didn't get a reply but I did see Nick in that hall walking towards the office. He waved to me and sweetly blew me a kiss. I just waited for him. He sat across from me and we whispered the whole time. He started a game of footsie but I gave if by putting my feet in on his chair between his legs. He looked gown by his area and smiled at me. "I know you want the d." He joked. I choked on air and we both started laughing quietly so we would have to get split up.

we are having a surprise birthday party for Lindsey on Saturday and I'm going to get her something she will love, Nick is taking her out on her actual birthday which is nice because it gives me another day to actually figure out something but I think I have something that she will love.

We all sat at our regular table. Brooke by Justin. Me by Nick. Crawford by Shawn.and some random girl by Shawn. Shawn introduced her as his girlfriend Clarissa.
(Photo of Clarissa above)
You'd think that a hot boy would have a good taste in girls.. Not Shawn. We were all friendly by honestly you could tell nobody liked her, and that after lunch everyone was going to go talk about her. Rrriiiinnnnnggggg.

"Back to the office" I said kissing Nick in front of them all and walked away intertwining our finger together.
We sat in the office and talked about Shawn's new girlfriend "Clarissa". "All her hair was probably pulled out by all the guys she efd." Nick said laughing. Making me laugh. We laughed and made mean jokes about Clarissa, but like seriously I told ya it would happen.


One more hour of the day then we get to leave this jail!

Over the loud speaker:
One more week of school and then summer VA-CA. It was a great year and all of you should be passing your classes. Enjoy the rest of school!


Me and Nick just laughed at everything the principal said. He songs like an oompah Loompa.

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