Chapter 36

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I wake up curled up next to Nick., he was staring at me and then he kissed me. "Good morning baby." He said sweetly. "Good morning" I said getting up and out of bed. "What time is it" I asked looking out the window at the sun, squinting my eyes. "10" he said, throwing clothes on get dressed, we gotta go. "Uh okay" I said not knowing what for. I put on what I wore for last nights date since that's all I had. We got to the car and he drove quickly, "where are we going." I asked several times. "To your house" he finally replied. I just sat back and waited until the car was stopped we walked in and I went down to my room and got changed, I fed the dogs and petted them for a bit, kissing them as left back up the stairs.
When I got upstairs back up the lights were off and Nick was gone. "Wow" I said softly to myself. "SURPRISE!" Everyone jumped out from where they were hiding. "Surprise!" Clarissa said late also appearing late. "dumb fuck." I whispered under my breath. I smiled "thanks guys" I said. "He ppt birthday!" They all said hugging me one after one. We all ate cake, danced around, and played games. "Present time!" Clarissa said doing jazz hands. " now that what I like to here" I said in my head, as we all walked outside to the lawn.
Shawn gave me his present first, as I opened it I smiled and hugged him thank you so much! It was a 500 dollar gift card to VS (Victoria's secret). "I know it's your favorite store" he said. "More like your favorite store" I said as everyone laughed.
Crawford handed me a envelope which I opened carefully to find 100 bucks in it. "Aww thanks Crawford" I said smiling big.
Clarissa got me clothes, not gonna lie they were actually pretty adorable. "Thanks" I said shooting her a smile. "No problem." She replied.
Nick already got me several present so I wasn't expecting any from him. But I got a card from him with 200 in it. "You didn't have to" I said to him. "Yes I did." He replied hissing the top of my head.
Last but not least was Brooke, she pulled me up and walked me far behind the house as everyone followed. We ended up at an old barn. "You got me an old barn?" I asked. "No I got you what's in it." She said urging my to go check it out.
She pushed me towards the barn. "Go" she said smiling. I walked to the barn and slid the sliding doors open. Standing there was a brown and white Appaloosa horse. "Omg I love it!!" I said running to her giving her a bone-breaking hug. "Thank you so much!"I said walking back to the horse stroking his neck and mane. "I'll name you Charlie." I whispered to the horse, as I stroked his head for the last time before shutting the doors once again.
(Charlie above)
I thanked everyone for being here, the presents, and throwing a surprise for me, as we all walked back to the house and everyone left.

      In brought all my presents down to my room and sat on my bed Tucker and Harley. Shawn and Clarissa came into my room. "Get her the hell out of my room, you know I hate her!"I yelled at Shawn. "why did you get hounds?he asked annoyed.  "I don't know, why did you get her!? I was still yelling. He got really angry and stormed up the stairs dragging Clarissa along. I heard yelling upstairs coming from Shawn but I don't know what he said, I heard Clarissa yell "fine I never loved you anyway"
    Then the door slammed and I assumed it was Clarissa. I was right because Shawn walked back in my room.  We both laughed and talked, as we sat on my bed petting the dogs. "This is tucker" I said pointing at the pup"and this is Harley the mom" "they are so adorable!" He said  in a weird way. We laughed.
"Wanna go to the mall tomorrow, just me and you!?" I asked. "Uh yah!" He said happily. "We have to find you an actual girlfriend because you  have horrible taste in women." I said laughing. "Ya I know." He said. "Haha we have a long day tomorrow so we should get some sleep" I said urging him to leave. "Alright, night Lindsey." He said walking up the stairs turning off my light.

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