Chapter 27

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   When I got to Brooke's house I just walked in. She lives by herself, she's so lucky, because she has nobody to annoy her. "Brookelle Stephanie, I'm here!" I yelled through the whole house. She came running down the stairs and grabbed my arm pulling me back up the stairs. "I'm like freaking out...I'm supppper excited but I don't know what to wear, how to do my hair, or my makeup."Brooke said in almost one breath. "That's why I'm here" I said laughing. I went to her closet and looked through her clothes. I took out her white zip up tank top thing and went to her dressers. After about 10 mins I found a short pink skirt that would look perfect with her shirt. "Here put this on." Okay" she replied going to her bathroom. While she was changing I plugged in the curling iron and took out my make up.
   She came out as soon as the curling iron was heated so I curled her hair first. Her hair was in perfect ringlets!😍 "make up time" I said. Brooke just smiled. I took my time, carefully applying makeup so she would look perfect for tonight. "All done" I said turning her chair to face the mirror. "Oh my god!" She squealed "thank you!" "You look amazing!" She got up and hugged me tightly. I grabbed a pair of creamy colored heels out of my bag and handed them to her."are these for me?!" "They sure are!" I said as I pulled her into another hug. "Now put them on Justin will be here any minute now." "Omg thank you!" "I gotta go." "Alright I'll text you when I can." We hugged one last time and I walked down the stairs and left.
(Photos above)
I look amazing thanks to Lindsey! I'm super excited too! I really like Justin!
Oh that must be Justin!! I looked in the mirror one last time then walked down the stairs to the door. I opened it to see Justin standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He handed them to me and I went to the kitchen and placed them in a vase filled with water.

Brooke looks great, I honestly think she's the one! I really like her, a lot. She lives in this house alone, I wonder if she ever gets lonely.
"Ready" I ask her. She smiles and says"yes." I walk her out to my car, open the door for her and help her in, closing the door after her. I walk around the car and get in. I start driving and Brooke is looking at me, when I caught her the second time she blushed. "You are very beautiful." I said as i looked straight into her eyes. She blushed again, and thanked me, "you are too." She said as she giggled a bit. We talked a bit until we got to the restaurant.

(Nicest restaurant in the whole city (very expensive too))

"Justin this is too much!" Brooke said. "No it's perfect." He spoke softly in my ear as we were getting placed to a table. We got wine and ordered food, and talked and laughed together for almost two hours. "Wanna get out of here?" Justin asked. "Ya lets go." I smiled at him. We both got up and walked to the car with out fingers intertwined together.

I couldn't stop thinking about Brooke and Justin. I'm home alone because Shawn went to hang out with Crawford and he won't be coming home tonight.
📱new text message📱
Maybe it's Brooke, I thought to myself quickly grabbing for my phone. I opened it:



(L): hey.:)

(N): wanna hang out.

(L): sure come on over.

(N): okay be there in 5.

I exited out my texts and sat on the couch waiting for Nick. He knocked twice and walked in I hid behind the cabinet in the kitchen and is he walked past I jumped on his back. We fell him on me, somehow. "Hey there cutie." He spoke smoothly. "Hey there lover boy." I said as I leaned in to kiss him, our lips crashed together and after seconds we stood up and sat on the couch. "Alright I have to ask you something." She said. "Yes?" I asked. "Okay I really like you and everything and I want you to be mine." He said. "Yes" I pulled him into another kiss, this one lasting longer than the first.

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