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Being my first day at school I walked alone, clueless of who all these people are. I went to the office to get my schedule and everything else I needed. The principal was really nice and she smiled a lot. She held out all the papers and books that I would be needing. When she gave me my schedule I looked at it quickly.
I sighed to myself then smiled and thanked the principal.I walked out of the office with stacks of papers and books. The stack was so high I couldn't see over it so I was extra careful of trying not to run into anyone. Turning the corner to go to my locker I ran into some boy. The books and papers were everywhere on the floor. "Omg I am so sorry, I said. "Ha it's fine, don't be."Here let me help you." He spoke kindly. It took a few moments to pick everything up and place it in my locker. "Thank you so much." I said. "Anytime, you must be the new girl, Lindsey right?" "Ya." I replied smiling. "Well I better get going don't wanna be late on the first day." He shot with a wink, and walked away. Darn I thought to myself as I walked to class, I didn't catch his name. My morning classes flew by fast.

I sat alone at the end of an empty table. I wasn't expecting anyone to sit with me, but anyone was welcome to. I'm so lonely I thought to myself.💭
(Boy I ran into in the hall):hey, may I sit with you?
(Lindsey):of course.
(Boy I ran into in the hall): thanks, oh... I forgot to tell you I'm Nick.
(Lindsey): that's a really cute name Nick.
(Nick): thanks.

There was a moment of silence and then the bell rang.
(Nick): what class do you have?
(Lindsey):gym, you?
(Nick): science, I gotta go see you after class.

I think I like Lindsey. Like a lot. I'm so glad she ran into me in the hall, giving me a chance to talk to her and everything. She makes me really happy and I feel like I can tell her everything.

Nick is really cute and sweet and I think I kinda like him. Just something about him makes me feel like I can tell him anything and everything.

After classes Lindsey and nick always met up at each others lockers and talked until they had to rush to class.


Nick headed towards Lindseys locker. He signaled her with a wave and Lindsey stood by her locker what hung as Nick made his way through people. Just then he stopped and was pulled into a kiss by some other girl. Lindsey was devastated and ran out of school while he was still kissing the girl. Nick looked around for Lindsey... Nothing.

How could I be so stupid... Thinking that I liked him and that maybe he actually liked me. Why? Who was she? His girlfriend? Who cares whatever. I hate him.

(Picture of Nick above)

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