Chapter 33

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Shawn walks down the stairs to my new room where Nick and I were asleep. He shook my awake causing Nick to wake up. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDZARDS!" Shawn pretty much yells. "THANKS!" I yell back. "What's all this yelling about!?" Clarissa asked in her annoying voice walking down the stairs to my room. GET HER THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM! I mouthed at Shawn. "Nothing babe lets go back upstairs and make Linds some breakfast for her birthday." Shawn said convincing her back upstairs. "Happy birthday!" Clarissa said. "Thanks." I gave her the fakest smile but she obviously can't tell a fake smile between a real one.
I lay back down against Nick and give him a peck on his nose. "Happy birthday my love." "Thanks baby." I said as he pulled me into a big wet one!😉👍🏻
"Get up now" I said pushing him out of my bed gently. As he fell on the floor I helped him up as I was laughing continuously. We made the bed together and went upstairs hand in hand.

❤️❤️ (This is true love honestly) (that's why they do everything together!) (so don't think they are obsessive over each other) (it's true fucking love)❤️❤️

We sat at the table next to each other and both had waffles stacked 3 high topped with whipped cream and strawberries, we fed each other.. Well tried to we mostly put whipped cream and strawberries all over each others faces. I licked it off his nose and grabbed his hand pulling him into to bathroom. I sat him on the toilet seat and wetted down a washcloth, I sat on his upper thighs while he was still sitting on the toilet seat. I wiped all the whipped cream gently off his face. He did the same to me but he didn't sit on me. We walked out of the bathroom and I told him to go to my room and I'd be down in a sec, he walked away as I walked upstairs to Shawn's room.
I knocked on the door and he gave me the signal to come in after about 3 minutes. Clarissas pants were unbuttoned, easy give away you stupid whore. "Can I have a change of clean clothes for Nick?" I asked sweetly. "Ya sure pick something out" he said. I got a pair of boxers (that's kinda weird😂) jeans, a plain white shirt, and a plaid fleece button up shirt. "Your fucking nasty" I mouthed to Shawn and started laughing at him silently, As I walked out of his room and downstairs to Nick.
Here put these on I said handing him the clothes and searching my closet looking for something to wear for this special day. I grabbed a white shirt with longer shore sleeves and a white shirt with purple flowers on it.

(Photo of outfit above)

"Adorable" Nick said."we even match" he chuckled. Coming up to me from behind in the mirror putting his hands on my waist. I twist my head around and place my hand on his neck kissing him for 10 straight slow seconds. I captured the photo in the mirror with my camera on my phone. The photo was perfect. I went to facebook and changed my profile picture to the newly taken photo." I love you." I said as I took his hand leading him out to our cars. We didn't ride together because we had to go out separate ways after school to get ready for tonight.

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