Chapter 44

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"Omg Cody take me to the hospital now!" I screamed in pain! It's that time, I'm having my baby tonight, I know I am. Cody drove to the hospital in a heartbeat knowing exactly what was happening.
"I need a wheelchair now! My wife is having a baby." He yelled as he carried me carefully but quickly into the hospital. They rolled me away leaving Cody fill out a few papers. "He will be in as soon as he fills out some paperwork hon." The doctor said as she got me on the doctor bed. I cried and wished for Cody to be here with me, I know he was right outside the door but still I didn't want him to miss the birth of our first child!

It all went smoothly and Cody was there comforting me the whole time. They carried my our baby off to get cleaned up and brought back to me.
It's a.......

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