Chapter 28

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When Justin stopped we were in a drive way. "Is this your house?" I asked in shock. "Ya are you impressed?" He asdked as he got out and ran to my side of the car to open the door for me. " your such a gentlemen." I said as she helped me out of the car. "I have my days." He smirked at me, as we walked inside. He showed me around his whole house and lastly went to his room. He changed into a pair of basketball shorts and didn't wear a shirt showing all his tattoos and his perfect sculpted abbs. He threw me some sweatpants and his smallest shirt that was still huge on me. "Come on" he said heading for the stairs. I walked behind him till I caught up which was right above the stairs. He bridal style picked me up and carried me down the stairs and threw me on the couch and he plopped down beside me. "Can I get you anything?"he asked starting to get back up. "Something to drink please."I spoke. "Like what." He asked. "Surprise me." I said giggling.

I'm walking into the kitchen thing of all the things I could get her, alcohol!
It will be totally fine it's not like she has to go home anyway she lives alone and who wouldn't want to stay with a super hot guy that lives in a mansion, maybe I'll even get lucky tonight. I pour two glasses of the best alcohol I have and walk back to
The living room and hand her one of the glasses "thanks"she said smiling and reaching out for the glass. She took it from me and took a sip, she had no hesitation with getting that down, neither the rest of her cup and almost the whole bottle. By the time it was gone she was drunk and I wasn't even close. I took our cups back to the kitchen and washed them. I walked back into the living room and Brooke was on the couch sleeping. Aww man. I walked over and picked her up and walked up the stairs and put her under the blankets of my bed carefully so she wouldn't wake up. I took off my shorts and got in bed beside her. Ringg rrrriiiinng. "Really I just got in bed!" I was almost yelling. The screen said Nick.

"What could you possibly be wanting to talk about at one in the morning" now I was yelling.

"How was your date?" He asked.

"It was great. What you up to bro?"

"Well Lindsey fell asleep and I had nobody to talk to." He laughed a bit.

"Then that makes too of us bro."

"What!!?! Haha. Why?!We both laughed.

"Well I kinda got her drunk thinking I could maybe get some, but ya not happening."

"Haha bro don't rush things, and that's funny as hell. Lol."

"Well tired as fuck I'm gonna get some sleep."

"Alright talk to you later bro."

"Ya bye" I said just before hanging up.

I leaned over to put my phone on the charger and kissed Brooke on the cheek before falling asleep.

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