Chapter 37

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I woke up and ran to Shawns room."Shawn get up!" I said jumping on him. "Alright I'm up, I'm up, now get out so I can get ready! "okay I'm leaving in twenty, you better be ready!" I said as she jumped out of his bed and ran into the bathroom.
I walked back down to my room to get ready myself. I jumped in the shower, got dressed, did my makeup, and my hair in exactly 20 minutes. I ran upstairs and yelled "bye Shawn I'm leaving!" He ran down the stairs faster than ever. "What about breakfast?" He asked concerned. "Oh get to the car! We will get food on the way." "I'm driving and your buying." He said, as he ran to his car. I walked out and got in the passenger seat. I didn't really want to drive anyway and I didn't care if I had to buy food for his broke ass.
We ordered food at mc dons at the drive thru and ate as we drove to the mall. We were 10 minutes early for the mall to open, so we talked and ate our breakfast as we waited in the car.
As the clock hit 11 I jumped out of the car and ran to the doors of the mall. Shawn followed closely behind shoving food in his mouth as he ran. I held the doors open for Shawn so he could chew his food and not choke. "Alright, we are like the first ones here so you might not be able to find a girl right away." "Ya who's fault is that?!" He said giving me a look. "Yours." I said as we walked through the mall looking for VS. you can come in or just browse around the mall." I said to Shawn. "I'll go with option two." He said as he twirled around on his heal walking away.
I was in VS for about 3 hours. I successfully spent all of the money on my gift card in a record time! I payed for my stuff and walked out holding my pink bag of clothes. I walked around looking for Shawn. He was nowhere to be seen! The mall was rolling with people but it wasn't like crowded. I finally found Shawn after about 20 minutes. He was talking to a dark haired Girl who was actually pretty!! I'm so proud of him! I strolled through the mall going in and coming out of each store with handfuls of bags. Last store zummies! I walked inside and right away found these shoes that I desperately needed!! I grabbed them and checked out without looking around for anything else! I went back to where Shawn was the last time and he was gone. Ugh. Well whatever then I sat down, putting all my bags down.
I grabbed my wallet out of my purse. 100 bucks left, better spend it on some food. I left my bags where they were and quick got a pretzel and cheese and a water. "Hey, may I sit here?" A manly voice asked kindly. I looked up at him and I swear I got lost in his eyes and almost started drooling. " uh ya sure." I said shyly. "Thanks" he said smiling back.

I know I have a girlfriend but this girl is beautiful. Way prettier than my girlfriend. She's just beautiful!😍

(Nobodys pov)

"Dylan"a female voice screeched from behind. "I... Uh.. I'll ..Maybe see you around." He managed to get out as he walked away. We exchanged smiles just before he left.
(Dylan above)

I grabbed my phone out of my purse and texted Shawn.

Hey, where you at?


I'm sitting with Brittney, my girlfriend. You can leave I'll call a taxi to get home.

Are you sure?!



I threw my phone back in my purse and collected my bags and walked out of the mall to my car. I put all my bags in the trunk and got in the drivers seat and drove home.
When I got home I hauled all my bags in the house and down to my room. I threw them all on my bed, and went to let the dogs out. I had a sliding door because it was a walk out basement which was nice because then I didn't have to go all the way upstairs to let them out. After they came back in I fed and watered them and went to my bed dumping out all the bags onto my bed. I tore all the tags off and put each item in the dresser where it was supposed to go. When I was done putting everything away I laid on my bed exhausted. Beep. •NEW TEXT MESSAGE• •BROOKE•

Hey, I'm really upset can we hang out?

Ya sure come on over, doors unlocked.

After about 10 minutes Brooke appeared in the driveway, walking in the door and coming down the stairs to my room. She was crying. "What's wrong?"I asked getting up and giving her a hug. She didn't say anything until her tears were all dried. "Justin... He's leaving, he's going on tour for his new album." She said starting to cry again. "What's wrong with that?" I asked. "He's leaving for a two whole years!" She said balling her eyes out. "He's gonna find another girl, I know he is!" "Aww babe don't worry. I said hugging her closely. "And Nick.." She continued. "What about Nick?" I asked shocked. "He didn't tell you?" She asked. "No what?" "He's leaving too, but for longer to make movies." She said more worried about me than anything. my eyes teared up a bit. "Lindsey I'm leaving tonight!" Brooke said. "where are you going? "Far away! I'm just done I need to get away from that....that monster!" She spoke seriously. "Lindsey don't tell ANYONE that I'm leaving please." "I won't I promise." I said pulling her into a hug. "Text me" I said to Brooke. "I will." She said as she disappeared up the stairs. I sat on my floor and cried, I cried tell I had no more tears to cry. I crawled in bed and cried some more, cried till I fell asleep.

I hate Justin, I hate his guts! I packed everything that I needed and put it in my car. I shut off all the lights in my house and left. I drove, and drove, and drove and drove.

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