Chapter 14

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I got up and headed towards the bathroom to get ready, I took a shower,brushed my teeth and hair. And went to the closet. I picked a white top, black leggings and hot pink heels. I got my schools stuff put back in my bag and went downstairs. Shawn was making breakfast for the both of us.

(Shawn):good morning my dork of sister.
(Lindsey): good morning my moron of a brother.
(Shawn):hahaha are you ready for school.
(Lindsey): well duh.
(Shawn): why have you been leaving so early lately? Gotta boyfriend?
(Lindsey): no shut up.... Just don't wanna see you!😝
(Shawn): I'll give you 10 seconds to run.😈

By the time he even started counting I was already outside in my car. I started it just as he came out the door. As soon as I was going to push on the gas pedal Shawn went in front of my car.

(Lindsey):Shawn get the hell out of my way!
(Shawn): not tell you say sorry.
(Lindsey): Shawn I'm not kidding I will hit you!!!
(Shawn):I'm not kidding either Lindsey say sorry.
(Lindsey): sorry!!

As soon as he stepped out of the way I pulled out of the driveway to school.

Brook isn't here today so I was all alone. I sat at my regular table at lunch.
Beep. I grab my phone out of my pocket.
(s):hey Lindsey guess what?!!?
(S): I'm coming to your school tomorrow!
(L): omg yay!🎉
(S):I know, I miss you!
(L): ya I miss you too, wanna hang out tonight?
(S): yell ya!
(L): okay 5, at Starbucks.
(S): okay, gotta go. Love ya.😉

Omg Sam actually said love ya. Did he mean it or no. Omg I like Sam though he's so sweet and cute.😊 I'll talk to him about it at Starbucks tonight.

I walked to my last class with a huge smile on my face and thinking about Sam.💭😍

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