Chapter 12

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I got up at 6 to get ready for school. I took a shower and brushed me teeth. The hardest part of getting ready is picking what I want to wear. I strolled my finger down every piece of clothing in my closet. I settled on my floral skirt, white shirt, belt, and my jean jacket to go over. I did makeup and I curled my hair.
I ran downstairs to get some breakfast. "Shawn I'm leaving". I yelled throughout the house. And ran out the door before he could reply.

Today went by really slow, and I think that it was because I didn't talk to Nick. I was still mad at him but he didn't know that. And I don't think he even cares.
At lunch I sat at the table where I sat yesterday, but today it was different because Nick wasn't by me.
(Girl):may I sit with you?
(Lindsey): of course.😊
(Girl):I'm Brook.
(Lindsey):Lindsey, nice to meet you.
We talked for a while and started to hang out a lot. Brook was like my best friend and I just met her. We would meet up in the hall and laugh about random jokes me made before running to class so we wouldn't be late.


Everyone ran out of the classrooms to get out of school. The bell is like a life saver for us because everyone hates school. Me and brook met up at my locker and talked for a bit. We exchanged numbers and went home like everyone else had 5mins ago.

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