Chapter 15

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we both ordered what we wanted and said across from each other at the table talking about school, ourselves, friends, just random things.

"hey can I ask you something?" I questioned him. "Yes of course" he replied. "OK well when we were texting today... What was with the love you?"  "oh you caught that ha ha well I really like you and Lindsey." I got really happy then and I replied saying  "I like you too." "So will you go out with me?" He asked. "of course" I replied happily.

We finished the drinks you walked to our vehicles hand-in-hand.
"I really had a fun time" he said. "So did I we should do it again" I said. "Yeah we should well I'll see you tomorrow at school." "Yeah you will" I said with the wink. We both got into our vehicles and drove away thinking about each other.
When I got home I went up to my room. I sent on my phone until I saw Shawn in the doorway. "Hey Lindsey" he spoke first. Startled by his voice I replied "oh hey Shawn what's up?" "Nothing really how was your date?"
"It was really fun" I replied. "Oh that's good well tomorrow Crawford and Nick are coming over" he spoke. "cool" I said not really caring. "Yeah" he replied "well I'm going to go to bed now."
She's been acting really weird I thought to myself. Well whatever. I fell asleep listening to music softly playing on pandora.

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