029: Retreat Camp (5)

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[⚠️] Contains strong languages, violence, and mention of blood

Webtoon Chapter: 43

A soft, pained groan escaped her mouth as she began to emerge from her unconscious state. Her vision remained clouded and distorted and her head continued to pulse from the blow she had received earlier, making it more difficult for her to understand her surroundings.

'Must be my contacts. I had them on the whole day. Should I take them off?'

Nari shook her head at the idea and swiftly ruled out that option to avoid the possibility of getting caught with her contact lenses off.

Despite the fact that her vision was currently impaired, Nari was capable of discerning the various noises that were permeating the atmosphere. She could hear the audible grunts and whacking sounds, in addition to the muffled voices.

In the moments that followed, her vision gradually cleared, allowing her to witness a disturbing scene before her. She was met with the sight of Zeus, or Heemin, towering over the battered and bloodied form of Wonbin.

"What the..."

The sound of her voice caused Zeus to swiftly rotate his head, his visage suddenly became adorned with a massive grin upon making eye contact with her.

"Oh? You're awake?"

He approached Nari, his menacing demeanor and sinister grin sending a shiver down her spine and causing her sitting form to back away. She glared at Zeus, curling her hand into a fist, ready to launch an attack despite being in no condition to fight if he ever decided to lay a hand on her.

"Let's start. We don't have much time~"

 We don't have much time~"

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"Yes, I will answer." Daniel responded before ending the call with the police.

Daniel and Zoe abruptly turned their heads towards the entryway when they heard the commotion produced by the sound of multiple alcohol bottles, along with snacks, colliding with the ground as Jay shoved past Zack who held them.

"Hey!" Zack growled while dropping down to the floor in order to collect the items that had been scattered.

Daniel was momentarily caught off guard as the blonde grabbed him by the shoulders, causing him and his facial expression to instantaneously reciprocate the state of Jay's anxiety. The former's confusion was quickly replaced by a deep sense of dread once he comprehended Jay's words, his own features exhibiting the same degree of horror as his friend's.

"You're saying... Nari was on live w-when Counsellor Zeus knocked her u-unconscious and took her?" he repeated in a strangled voice as Jay, who was as horrified, nodded in confirmation.

A loud bang resounded through the corridor as the wall collided with the door after Zack fled out in a state of panic, the other two boys following immediately.

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