028: Retreat Camp (4)

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Q&A‼️ comment down your queries to the characters and to me🫵

[⚠️] Contains strong language, assault, and mention of blood.

Webtoon Chapter: 43

While everyone was engrossed in their respective activities, time seemed to fly by without notice, and before they knew it, the second day's evening activities were already upon them.

Everyone was present, rose to their feet and each holding a flickering candle in their hand. Everyone but Nari who was nowhere to be seen.

'There's no way I'll stand up for hours just to listen to those meaningless rambling.'

Letting out a scoff, Nari laid down on a tree branch, situated high above everyone's gaze and out of view.

"Don't worry, I won't fall" said Nari in response to one of her stream viewers who expressed their concern about her precarious position.

Hacker Genius (ilove$$) gave 1,000 balloons
Hacker Genius (ilove$$): It's because I'll catch you, noona~~

"The fuck?" Nari didn't bother hiding her grimace, giving the camera a side eye.

Mr. Gold (screwgoo) gave 1,000 balloons
Mr. Gold (screwgoo): Get out of here, you purple minion!! My wife doesn't like stingy bastards.

Hacker Genius (ilove$$): Heh, you are one too! And so what? Noona is rich anyway.

She observed two regular donors of hers engaging in a heated exchange in her comment section. This particular online argument of theirs had been occuring ever since a mystery user identified as "Hacker Genius" or the "purple head" as Mr. Gold called him, suddenly appeared in her livestream after the technical issue with her Paprika TV account (ep. 19 extra).

'With that user of his, I won't be surprised if he's the culprit behind those unlimited balloons in my account.'

Nari's absence in the evening event had caused her to remain oblivious not only of the happenings in the event but also of the passing of time and how the said activity has been long finished.

Had she not seen the messages sent by her friends an hour prior, Nari may have continued to lounge around on the tree branch for more hours.

He got that goofy ah hair slicked back
U should've brought me w/ u😡
See more....

Best brunette
Where are you?
See more...

Pretty boy protagonist
Please respond
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You're not in the night activity and you're not in the room eitherrrr!!
See more...

You didn't run away, did you..?
See more...

Gay, blonde, and gorgeous
SO HERE'S THE TEA! I caught someone making..
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And more

'I feel special and appreciated...'

As she had already intended to return to her room regardless, Nari decided to dedicate a few moments to respond but to only one of them. To avoid disruptions to her ongoing livestream, she clicked the reply button on her notification, allowing her to maintain a continuity of her livestream.

He got that goofy ah hair slicked back

7:07 PM

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