Chapter 22. This Is Hell

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"Do you have a hangover? Mom said you would" Carl questioned his father far too eager far too early in the morning. Rick smiled amused as he came to sit between his wife and his only and  eldest daughter. "Your mother is right" Kiara smiles amused as she spares a glance at her brother."Well Enzo looks like he died and came back and then became roadkill" Kiara stated amused as Carl chuckled amused whilst Rick and Lori shook their heads in both dissapointment and amusement at their eldest son.

"Your lucky my head hurts too much." Kiara rolled her eyes not quite believing her brother. "I have some eggs. Powdered but I do them good" T-Dog announced chirpy and making his way to the Grimes as he gave Enzo and Rick a bit of eggs and then moved to the Glenn brothers who looked as good as dead. "Protein is good for a hangover" Glenn moans as he clutches his head cerently regretting that he drank alchohol.

"Oh yeah didn't Dr Jenner give us some painkiller for the idiots that decided to go heavy on drinking?" Ilene questioned as Lori nodded as she passed the painkillers. Ilene gave one to her brother who seemingly was drooling on her shoulder still tired from last night. He, Enzo, Minho and Glenn seemingly went too hard on partying in Minho's room.

" Wake up stupid! "Ilene ordered as she kicked her brother's shin beneath the table making him jolt awake as he looked around disorineted" What what what? "Ilene shoves a glass of water and a pill in his hand." Drink it. It will help for the consequences of your stupidity"Hunter doesn't wait a second as he nearly inhales the painkiller with the water. "Don't let me ever ever ever drink again" Everyone's attention went to Glenn who seemingly begged them all to make sure he doesn't misuse alcohol ever again.

"Hey everyone" Everyone greets Shane whilst Lori doesn't look up memories of last night still haunting her whilst Kiara glared at the man from across the room the memories of last night fueling her resentment for Shane Walsh.

"Do you feel as bad as I do?" Rick questioned his best friend as Shane took a seat across from the family. "Worse" Kiara rolled her eyes he deserved to feel so much worse. Ilene who noticed her best friend's change in aura made a mental note to question her about it later.

"What happened to you?" T-Dog questioned noticing scratches on his neck. "Must of done it in my sleep" Shane covered up whilst Kiara took a sip from her water trying her best not to reveal the truth. "Never saw you do that" Rick added concerned for Shane as Kiara scoffed at Shane reassurment. "Yeah it's nothing like me"

Ilene who notices Dr Jenner entering the room is the first to greet him and soon everyone followed along. "I hate to ask questions so early in the morning doc" Dr Jenner scoffs amused. "Yet you continue to ask them" everyone grows quiet as Dr fully turns to the group. "If answers are what you seek follow me" everyone followed Dr Jenner back to his lab as he asked Vi to showcase a file on the big screen.

"Very few people got to see this..... Very few" Dr Jenner admitted as a video was showcased on the big screen of what seemed to be the x-ray of a human brain.

"Is that a brain?!" Carl questioned surprised as Dr Jenner nodded amused by the small boy's enthusiasm. "A Extrodinary one" everyone came to focus on the screen waiting for Dr Jenner to explain. "Not that it matter anyway. Take us in for a I" Vi complied as she showcased a closer up vision of the subjects brain. It showed everyone to up to smallest cell of the brain, every cell unique in their own way. a Light travelling through each cell like a star travelling through space.

"What are those lights?" Hunter questioned stepping closer as he eyed the screen in curiousity. "It's a person's life. Memories, experiences... Everything" Dr Jenner explained as everyone listened intendly.

"What your trying to say is that through all that organic wiring and ripples of light is us?" Kiara questioned seemingly interested by the concept. Dr Jenner stops as he smiles surprised but nods. "Exactly. That's what makes you unique, human" Lori who smiles at her daughter's intellect couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

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