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jj had insisted on going somewhere on his own, dropping emery and mara off at the melville house before wordlessly driving off, leaving the two girls in confusion.

currently, the blonde duo was laying in emery's bed, a large glass bowl of popcorn between the two of them while 'grease' played on emery's tv.

"smash or pass, josh hucherson." mara asked, emery thinking for a minute.

"i'd let him take me to dinner." she said bluntly. "he's not my type, but everyone's into what they're into."

"really?" mara asked with her eyebrows raised, grabbing more popcorn from the bowl and tossing it into the air, catching it in her mouth.

"yeah, really." emery replied. "smash or pass... blonde heath ledger."

"honestly, jj kinda looks like him when he was blonde." mara replied, emery immediately gagging.

"thanks for ruining that for me." she replied bitterly as though someone had wiped lemon across her tongue.

"i'm not wrong." mara replied with a small smile, emery shaking her head and wrinkling her face in disgust.

"that's the worst part." the melville breathed, grabbing her can of cherry coke from the bedside table and taking a drink from it.

her phone buzzed next to her, jj's contact appearing in her notifications repeatedly.

unfortunately we're related: Emery

unfortunately we're related: Ems

unfortunately we're related: Emery Harper

unfortunately we're related: Emery please answer

unfortunately we're related: Are you with Mara

"who's texting you?" mara asked in confusion.

"do you have your phone?" emery asked as another message popped up that mara wasn't answering his texts.

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