Just The Start (wwc part1)

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I had arrived at St. George's Park around 10 am and i was more than grateful to get out the house. Even though i wasn't even home for a full day, i still hated every second of it. Purely because i had just told Guro we should have a break, i was in personal conflict about my decision to do that but in the heat of the moment it seemed somewhat right. I felt bad don't get me wrong, but it seemed fair from my position. Right?

I don't really want to be thinking about this anymore anyway. We don't have long until we fly out to Australia for our first game against Haiti. England were one of the favourites to win this year which had applied pressure onto all of us.

We were drawn into 'Group D' which consisted of us, Haiti, Denmark and China PR. The top two teams at the end of the group stages will go through to the round of 16 while the teams that come 3rd and 4th with get knocked out straight away.

I signed myself in at reception and got my room number. I got in the lift to the second floor to find where room number 23 was. I successfully found it and scanned the key card i was given which unlocked the door. I pushed it open to find Keira spread out like a star, staring at the ceiling, on the bed she had chosen.

"RENATA!" she shouted the second she realised i was there.

"KEIRA!" i mimicked.

She got off the bed and jumped in for a hug from me. Nearly knocking me over.

"Woahh, steady there kei. Don't want any pre-world cup injuries going on" i said patting her side while picking up my suitcase and dropping it on top of the other bed.

"I just missed you thats all." she shrugged. "Anyway, Sarina wants us all downstairs in the meeting room for 11 so we have some time to go catch up with everyone downstairs."

"Okay great. Can i ask why you were sprawled out on your bed like a star?"

"I was waiting for you"

"You're so weird" suddenly my phone pinged. I checked it and saw that Georgia had messaged letting me know she was downstairs with Lucy. She wanted us to come down too.

"Whats that about?" Keira asked.

"G's with Lucy downstairs and she wants us down there too".

"Come on then" she said leading the way out.

After going down the long flight of stairs we found where everyone was. I sat on the sofa next to Lucy, Georgia and Keira were opposite us.

"It's gonna be so weird without Leah" Georgia said in a sad tone.

"We promised to do this for her though, right?" Lucy pointed out.

The younger girl just sighed, "Yeah"

"Who are you rooming with now?" i asked her as her and Leah are usually roomies.

"No one! I've got a whole room to myself" she said smugly.

"Lucky, i have to share with Jordan." Lucy complained. "She snores so loud"

"You're not talking about me are you?" Jordan said coming out from nowhere.

"Jordy!" i smiled at her and stood up to give her a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever. Also Lucy was saying you snore"

As i sat back down i felt a slap on my arm. I turned to see the Barcelona right-back scoff and say 'snitch' to me.

After a good while of catching up with everyone, Sarina had her meeting with us all. Explaining all the rules of the upcoming tournament, when we leave for Australia, our expectations and the training rotor.

Hate To Love You ~ Guro ReitenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora