Appearances III

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Then there's Peter. He always seems on edge. He is constantly teased by Black and Potter. He tries to look like Potter...I mean, he IDOLIZES Potter. He tries to be aloof, messy, and that kind of stuff. Well....he ends up looking really confused.

Sometimes, he tries to wear a PROPER uniform. Shirt tucked in, school robes on, you know the usual. But, he always forgets something. One time, he was wearing mismatched socks, another time, he was wearing his shirt on backwards. I mean, Peter seems like a nice guy. He just follows James and Sirius, and even Remus too much. time, he actually stood up to them. Yes, I remember it! It was around that time during fifth year when the marauders had a big fight for some reason. Evidently, James was furious with Sirius, and Remus was pretending that Sirius didn't exist. Peter stood up in the middle of the common room a few weeks later and told those three wankers to make up already.

Yeah, there's something different about Peter. Sometimes, it feels a bit weird around him. The way he talks, his eyes dart here and there. The way he walks, slouched down but with a spring in his step. Really weird.

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