Nicknames II

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James cast an evil friend at the now worried Sirius Black. "Well... Sirius had a little 'accident' with spells during first year."

"An accident? What happened?"

"See, Sirius here found a spell in an old magazine. It was a rubbish spell, but he didn't know anything back then! Dumb as a rock, I tell you!"

"HEY!" Sirius was frowning at James now.

"Yes..." Remus piped in. "It was a made up spell that claimed that if you did it, you could turn yourself into a dog."

Sirius rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

"" Peter looked uneasily at Sirius, who was seething.

"What Peter meant was, he tried the spell on himself, flourishing his wand like a total wanker, and his...feet....turned into dog paws!" James chuckled. "Hence, 'Padfoot'"

Frank smiled. "So now he's afraid of?"

"Paws!" Peter shouted.
Sirius glared at his three friends. " should hear about WORMTAIL's story."

Peter gulped.

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