CH. 39 Favor for silver

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"The messages were sent from where??" Y/N asks trying to make sure he heard correctly.

"From your hometown kid.. Not too far from where you grew up actually." Mr. Argent tells him as he watches Y/N smoke in his office.

"Here are the coordinates." He says as he slides him over a folder with the exact location on it.

Y/N opens it and sees the location.. Plus a lot of other information as well. He ashes on the ashtray before taking another pull.

"You've been smoking heavily recently." Mr. Argent tells him.

"What's all this?" Y/N asks him as he eyes all the numbers and ideas on the sheets.

"That, is my favor i'm asking you.." Mr. Argent answers leaving him confused.

"Let me explain.. In your hometown, there will be a business meeting.. I need you to learn these and attend the meeting." Argent explains.

"I'd be able to check out the place the messages were sent and do this." Y/N says agreeing with the tactic.

"Ok and what exactly is it that you want from this meeting.. And there must be a reason you want me to go instead of you." Y/N tells him.

"What I want from this meeting will turn into something that you want as well." Mr. Argent replies with a smirk.

"If you do your job right then we both will get equity out of it.. Right now it's set for me to get 2% of equity but with you being there they will give you some as well. You can hopefully boost it for both of us." Mr. Argent tell him making him think.

"How much are you looking for?" Y/N asks him.

"Three or four percent. Whatever you get for yourself is what you get for yourself." Mr. Argent answers.

"What's the company?" Y/N asks him.

"Apple." Argent answers making him nod.

"And why do you want me to go instead of you?" Y/N asks him as he leans back in his seat.

"Raina Crest has some of the apple owners and board members in her favor.. In fact they have their own situation going on and they owe her." Mr. Argent starts.

"I need you to do whatever it takes to get this equity for us." Mr. Argent tells him as Y/N takes another pull from the blunt.

"There's something else I need to tell you." Mr. Argent says which gains his interest.


Later that night

"Baby what suit are you going to wear?" Emilia asks him as he walks out of the shower.

"Wear to what?" Y/N asks her as he walks to their large bathroom mirror.

"The christmas party." Megan tells him as she walks out of the shower with Emilia.

"Oh yea, that... I don't know, probably just match whatever you two wear." Y/N replies as he grabs a towel.

"Your angels want to match so we'll all be wearing red." Emilia tells him as she helps dry Megan off.

"Okay." Y/N says as him and Megan start drying Emilia off now.

"Because you look great in red." Megan replies with a smirk making him chuckle a little.

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