Chapter 73 - Massacre

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The vast blue color of the sky.

That was the first thing Ellen saw after opening her eyes.

The clouds sprinkled sparsely in the transparent winter sky created a harmonious scene.......Well, since there were no longer any Wizards or aircrafts left in the sky, that should be expected.

"Ah......" After a delayed response, the pain smashed through her entire body. While trying to issue instructions to the Realizer Manifestation Device in her brain, she tried to raise her head against the aching pain.

Looking down at her own body, the platinum CR-Unit Pendragon covering her body was destroyed wretchedly, exposing her fresh skin in some areas.

Finally, Ellen's confused mind caught up to speed. Recognizing the circumstances, and scrutinizing her memory, her vague consciousness finally recollected.

That's right. Ellen had fired an all-out attack at Woodman. And lost.

"Ku......" With frustration marking her face, Ellen angrily clenched her fist.

There were no issues with the operation of Ellen's CR-Unit. The unit was launched as intended and the voluntary territory was carried out through Ellen's will. Even if Woodman disappeared from her line of sight, it would still be in the area of Ellen's control.

She was not trapped in a deception on the enemy's part, nor did her machine malfunction. She had just released her strongest blow and lost. There were no excuses for this huge loss.

Regret, regret, enough to want to cry. In fact, tear-shaped droplets were leaking out from Ellen's eyes. Unable to forgive Woodman. And above all, unable to forgive herself for failing to defeat him.

But, ah, but why?

In the corner of Ellen's mind, there seemed to be a part of her that already imagined this situation.

While self-proclaiming herself as the strongest in humanity, while directing her sword towards Woodman, somewhere in her heart there was still a feeling of being no match for him.

If there was a difference between the two, it would be here.

A Wizard is a person who controlled the Voluntary Territory by manipulating the Realizer Manifestation Device. Under the circumstances where it is controlled by willpower, the feeling of a subconscious gap would be fatal.

"Yo." At that moment.

As Ellen's eyes were wet with vexation, a voice came out from the front──through the thick smoke, Woodman had emerged.

The golden CR-Unit was half-destroyed and the weapon in his hand was completely distorted from its original shape. His braided blonde hair was covered with blood and dust as it fluttering against the wind. Despite winning against Ellen, his current condition was no better than her.

However, despite their similar injuries, Ellen had fallen to the ground while Woodman was still standing. That fact showcased the result of the battle.

"My it not okay with this?"


As Woodman spoke with a cheerful smile, Ellen looked over while engraving deep wrinkles between her brows. Eventually, she breathed out a sigh.

"Kill me."

"......Huh?" As Ellen blankly muttered, Woodman raised a brow. While looking at such a response, Ellen continued on.

"That's it. You've won, Elliot. Don't let me live and be humiliated. Hurry and kill me."


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