The Phone Call

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I get Elena on the phone and I inform her that we do not want her around us or our children and told her I know about her grabbing Christian's privates and Elliott witnessed her doing it. She tried to deny it, but I informed her that I have been made aware by the other attorneys this is not her first time doing something like this and they were shocked that it hadn't happened before now. She tried to deny it, but I told her I was filing a complaint against her and a restraining order to keep her away from us as a family. Grace was in the office when I made the call and the cctv cameras recorded everything. I informed Elena that she was being recorded and asked if she was okay with it and she agreed to it. She was flirting away until I confronted her with the reason for my call. She had no idea that Grace was listening to her every word. She actually asked me to come over sometime and we could have some real fun in her playroom.

Wow Elena has a lot of nerve to flirt with my husband. He did his best to keep it business like, but he snickered at her behavior. I was angry at first, but it was at Elena to believe that Carrick would have any interest in her at all. We decided that the restraining orders should include both the Lincoln's and that they not contact any of the family ever or be in contact with any of our staff. Elena tried getting Christian on the phone and he refused to answer her calls. So here we are having security keep her and her husband far from us. Lily had been blackmailed into meeting us. I ran into her at the ER after she had fell, it looked more like someone injured her on purpose. She finally broke down after getting a phone call that scared her senseless.

Lily Johnson
Elena wasn't happy about me refusing to force myself on Christian or Elliott. So she hurt me so badly that I had to be seen in the ER, mrs Grey was the attending doctor on duty and she finally got it out of me that Elena blackmailed me into trying to set Christian up in a compromising position and I refused. She pushed me down her stairs into her basement. I got away from her and drove myself to the ER. The handprints on my wrists were obvious and my broken ribs with bruises from where her stilettos left marks was very obvious. She has videos of me in her playroom. You couldn't tell I was drugged when she recorded me with several young boys. You couldn't see that I was chained to the bed.

I can't believe that mom treated Lily Johnson and talked her into pressing charges against Elena. The videos did come out and Elena thought it would cause Lily jail time, but the boys came forward and testified against Elena after their parents found out that they were the boys in the video. It hit the internet and once the parents got wind of it they wanted blood. It wasn't easy to prove anything though and Elena is now being very careful. Apparently my dad said he was told that they have been investigating the Lincoln's since they moved to Seattle. He wouldn't say why and told me to steer clear of them because of the restraining orders.

I can't believe that Elena has been trying to slip women into see me. They come in to interview for jobs and suddenly they find themselves in my office lobby on my floor. They are escorted out and their applications are placed in an evidence file to be copied and sent to the police as evidence against Elena. Elliott thinks he has one of her minions working for him. Kate Kavanagh and I am shocked that she would be involved with Elena. But one never knows how or why or what Elena has n her. I don't even want to think about what that might be after seeing the Lily Johnson videos.

I look at the videos and think how close that I came to being one of Elena's victims and I shudder at the thought. It was a good thing I decided to leave her house because I didn't think it was safe to remain there when the three teenage boys arrived I took the chance and ran out the door to my car and drove off in a hurry. She tried getting me to come back but I refused and I now know what mom and dad tell us if you follow your gut feelings or those nagging thoughts that say run like hell you should be able to get out of any bad situation before it becomes bad. My college friends have heard of Elena and they tell me that I missed a bullet and one said she had been paying for her mistakes every time her parents sent her money it had to be given to Elena. She refused to say why though. She works her ass off in school and at a job. She had to sell all her nice things to be able to afford anything at all. Her parents think she is on drugs. She has never drank or done drugs at all.

Susannah Moore
I found out that Elena is behind bars and she can't contact me to get her blood money. A detective has called me and asked to see me in his office. I am frightened and told my parents and they hired an attorney to go with me. When attorney Rose Lewis meets me at the police department she has already looked into why they want to chat with me. It turns out they found the blackmail material and the boys were not boys but adults by law. So they were arrested for their crimes against me. Rose insisted my face and tattoos be blocked out during the trials.

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