The Coverts Lost Linda

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Jason told me that the coverts lost Linda and at this point he believes that she was behind the attempted kidnappings. He said that she was around the areas when and where they occurred. After going through the video footage there is one thing she couldn't fake is her mannerisms and those are an automatic reflex and they happen by muscle memory. You can see where the person has seemed to force different actions and failed. Barney apparently created software that can identify things like that, he and Anastasia worked on it for a year using Mia as the model. So Mia got a share of the patent. I manufacture it so I get my share as well. Now we have to wait and see if she shows herself, we are hoping that she has no idea we are on to her. Jason told me they found out the company she works for is real and they have someone by the name Linda Smith working for them and she is the same age along with the birthdate and social security, but she looks nothing like my Linda. I really never visited her at her company so she could easily just use the woman's name and everything else. Right now she's in the wind and no matter how close we get to finding her we don't have any way to find someone that is a master of disguise.

I noticed that I am being followed and they are switching around from a number of different people to make me think it is my imagination. I figured out their time schedule and use that to change myself in a very busy time and place. It didn't take much to escape them following me at all. I took them on a wild goose chase and timed my escape to when they were changing out people. Just as I thought I had ducked out on them I bumped into the last person in the world that I wanted to see again. Jack Hyde grabs me by the arm and drags me into an alley and drugs me with a shot of some kind. That's the last thing I remembered. I owe Jack money and I couldn't get money bags to open up his bank to me. So I am going to working it off with Jack now. I am stripped of all my clothing and he is taking videos of me. He has me locked up and has not decided exactly how he wants to get his money. He sent videos out and has made some contacts. Soon I am being taken out in a trunk with air holes in it. I can sense that I am being transported.

Sometime later I am in a room with no windows it's a very strange room. It looks like a room any woman would love to be in and has everything a person would love. Unfortunately it also looks like the door of a prison is preventing me from escaping. I am given food through a place on the door. I am told there are clothes in the wardrobe that are my size and to put them on now. I see cameras in the room and go into the bathroom to put the clothing on. The voice tells me that I have no privacy and no rights to privacy any longer.

I can't believe that the old perverted billionaire has bought Linda, I guess he knew who she was and knew who she was seeing Christian Grey and thought he would purchase her to have fun with her before he got tired of her and disposed of her, I don't ask what anyone means when they say dispose of their purchases, I just sell them if they don't pay me. I have an equal opportunity and sell both sexes. If you owe me money your gender doesn't matter because buyers are both sexes and they buy whatever they want. Now I have my money back because the bidding was hot and heavy on Linda.

I had no idea that he really meant disposing of her. I spotted her on a missing persons report that came across my desk. Of course I pretended I had no idea who she was. I just turned her over to her owner and after that they are on their own. I just know the billionaire is an older gentleman who likes them young and he has it in for Christian Grey. Little did I know that this was not the first time he tried to get a woman from Grey. The last time he had her taken off a plane and she was found dead six months later at the same airport she disappeared from. She was stuffed in her own luggage. It was taken to the lost and found. I have never seen the man in person. He is scary as hell.

I can't seem to figure out what this guys issues are with me, but I am sure that he is not going to allow me to leave after what he paid for me. He tells me everyday. I have been tied up with everything that he has and the things he did to me and had me do were reprehensible and no one should be subjected to any of it. He got bored of me finally and had me taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. I couldn't even tell them who did this to me because I never saw them or heard them. I couldn't even tell them what direction I came from. They drugged me and blindfolded me and then turned me loose with no clothing or anything. I can't even remember my name. So victim Jane Doe 1234567890 is what I go by. I had no idea that I had been tattooed and not just in private areas, my breast were tattooed into sunflowers and my pelvic area was tattooed into a cat, they showed me the tattoos of Popeye and Olive Oil one on each buttocks they were having sex. The name Linda Smith was tattooed on my neck along with my face under it. They had to have drugged me big time. Then between my shoulder blades they tattooed Christian Grey. They were like works of art and no one knew who the artist was. The biggest problem was the gold digger tattoo on my forehead.

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