The Man Trap

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I am sitting here waiting on a new designer on a project Christian is having me work on and he is hoping to get some ideas from this person. Suddenly I hear a voice and it's not a guys voice but a very sultry woman's voice. I can't believe what I am seeing as she approaches my desk to shake my hand. This woman came to this interview dressed like she's trying to seduce a lover. I mean the blouse leaves little to the imagination. It is low cut and I am glad I am a gentleman and stood to shake her hand. If her skirt were any shorter I might see a lot more. Kate would be suggesting that Miss Matteo dress more professionally if she wants to work with married men, hell she just needs to to begin with.

Gia Matteo
I am definitely affecting Elliott Grey and I can tell. Christian his brother was too busy to interview me for this job. I really wanted to meet him instead of his married brother. His brother's wife is no one I want to deal with. Christian is single and able to date. I might run into him if I get this job. Elliott tells me that if he hires me he needs me to wear more modest clothing to the job site because my attire is distracting and he can't have that at a building site. He is going to have it written into my contract. I like how I dress it makes me feel sexy and I usually do my best work at that point. I read it and I protest the clause but he said that he requires that I abide by it or he can find another person who will abide the clause. He said formal business attire or clothing that a construction worker would wear. He preferred that I wear what the other women construction workers wear. He called one of them in to show me. She had a hard hat, coveralls, gloves, a tool belt, steel toed work boots and her hair tied up and under the hat. All the Grey construction staff wear it. Office staff wear business apparel. I asked where to get the outfit and he gave me the name of a place that I can get everything I will need for this job and possible future jobs. He's paying me very nicely for my work, so I will wear what he asks me to.

Gia agreed to Elliott's dress code clause and said it was going to be hard to keep her from flirting though. She was all over my office trying to get her hands on me. I had to get her out of my office and fast. She is quick in those heels and let's not get started on how her boobs nearly fell out of that blouse she had on, it's not like you can't see that she has no bra on under it. I am shocked that she can sit in that skirt and I am doubting she has anything on underneath it. I knew she was talented but I wasn't going to work around someone as sexually aggressive and I warned Elliott of her attire and her flirting and knew he would give her an ultimatum about her behavior and her attire. He did it with the rest of his female colleagues and only office staff wore business attire and nothing provocative. He keeps the staff in his office dressed conservatively and he has had all them since he started his company, he started a childcare center for them as well. I followed suit on that point. I implemented my own dress codes for my company, as long as it looks professional then I am good with the clothing. In some cases I supplement the clothing costs to assure they are well dressed. In certain situations I have had clothing brought in for special events. Designers are on waiting lists to attire my people and in some cases they especially design things to preview and it brought in a lot of business for them. It was a win win for everyone.

Ashley Benton
I am going with Christian to his grandparents wedding anniversary party. Theodore and Madison Trevelyn are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary and it is going to be spectacular. There will be over two hundred guests invited to the party. He said he would introduce me to a nice guy at the event. I have attended events with him because I helped him out with a real estate project and he got it for a great price from the heirs of the couple. I got word to him that it became available and he struck while the iron was hot and before anyone else got wind of the properties becoming available. He has promised to set me up with one of his billionaire friends. Of course I have to like them. This time one of his competitors is arriving for the  Trevelyn event. Aaron Cross of Crossroads International has finally arrived in Seattle. Christian picks me up and we drive to the event. It is gorgeous andI meet his grandparents and they think he and I are dating. His grandmother wants great grandchildren and said that I look like I could give them at least six of them. Luckily Christian saves me from her before she plans our wedding. Soon he introduces me to Aaron Cross who has brought his PA as his plus one. She goes to all his events with him to provide a shield against women trying to make a move on him. She is also a trained bodyguard. She definitely does not look like a bodyguard to me. Christian assures me she is one and has prevented him from getting kidnapped and also being drugged by women with nefarious motives.

I am waddling around the event and finally just sit by grandma. She is ready for me to deliver these munchkins and so am I. I can't stand having to wait on my business to be opened. Christian and Elliott have been working on a joint project and they are keeping it under wraps.

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