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I told the police that I had absolutely nothing to do with Jane Doe's tattoos and my attorney had to step in to talk to them for me. Hell I don't even know a tattoo artist. But I told them that she looked like Linda Smith someone who was discovered to be involved in two kidnap attempts on my family and that she also ordered a friend of mine to be attacked and killed. The attackers were put behind bars and they tried to give a description of who paid them. I swear they were joking about the tattoos until they showed me the photos and I had to stop from laughing about the gold digger tattoo on her forehead. Somehow she got someone to remove them all. I guess someone donated their time to remove them, but she is arrested for her crimes against others. Barney was able to use his new software to prove she was behind the kidnapping attempts. There are arguments for using the software and a lot against using it. After they were able to test it out on various different people they decided to use the results in the trials. She has also violated the restraining orders against her while out on bail. Before she could be arrested she was put back in the hospital again. She's on life support now.

I have been pulled into the mess with Linda being identified at every scene and then some. Anastasia won't get involved since she was one of her victims. Her involvement in creating the software and the equipment had nothing to do with how the equipment works. We deliberately kept her out of identifying her assailants and the kidnappers so it wouldn't become a problem in the trials. Attorneys got very involved in how everything was handled in our finding the criminals involved. Mia can't even work on any of it at this point. She is unhappy that she can't kick Linda's ass, but we are hoping the time she gets will be sufficient to appease her need for revenge. We finally made it back to Seattle and to our twins. She was happy to be back home and we relaxed.

I flew back with everyone on the GEH jet and picked up Angela from her school and headed home. It was a very tiring trip. I finally put Angela to bed after we ate her favorite meal. I was so glad to have the vest off and the guns as well. Luckily I only had to pull the guns out the time I got attacked. It stopped them in their tracks. I am very happy that they identified the person behind it all. Linda Smith. Mia is really ready to explode about not getting immediate results but that is how the justice system works.

All of us leave for Seattle and I am not sure how this trip is going to go since Anastasia and Christian aren't speaking yet. So they just bury themselves in work. Oh well not my problem for now. I am not going to babysit anyone my job has already expanded from the original contract after he discovered my other skills. I of course have had a huge pay increase and other benefits. Things are going pretty good for Gail and I and I have been able to bring on my own staff, staff that I know well and can trust with my life and all the Grey family members and anyone we are asked to protect and support with our skills.

We finally get home and I go right to my sons and hug them. They are too busy playing to notice I am home, but they sure noticed Barney. He is their favorite since he creates toys for them. I love my husband very much but he has spoiled our sons. He has promised to slow down on the spoiling and he has tried hard. I am a boo boo healer and all that kind of thing. I look forward to the time when he and Anastasia are creating things but they schedule two four hour days to do all their work. I am still thinking about Linda Smith and how close she was to causing the death of our sons by trying to kidnap us, then tried to take them from the NICU. There is no telling what else she has tried and failed, Christian had Jason hand over evidence of other things they are sure she was behind. She wasn't after money as ransom, she wanted the whole ball of wax. She had planned on getting Christian to the altar and kill him soon afterward for his company and all his assets. She had a will in place and his signatures. I heard that when they didn't know I turned off my music and left my earbuds in my ears. Of course I don't let them know that I know what they have just spoken about. It is something I learned to do a long time ago.

I was very happy to have Jason home and everyone is safe and sound. I have been keeping myself busy while they have been on this trip. We will be going on a month long vacation around Christmas time and the new team will be in place for the holidays. We have several teams that rotate protecting Christian and he has well over two hundred guys on payroll to take care of everyone in his family. He hired separate teams for his executives and twice the number to protect his IT staff and departments. The IT department is hidden from non essential personnel at all time. Apparently it is a moveable server that can be moved at any moment and only a few know how to find it at any given time. Barney and Anastasia came up with the design and patented it under a pseudonym for security purposes. They have been harassed at the shell company they created to cover their tracks. Linda Smith might have figured everything out by mere accident.

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