May The Games Begin

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My crew and I work to set things up to give Kate and her crew a real chance to know how it feels to be in a real haunted house. So we set the equipment up and start recording everything as soon as they arrive. We still have our vehicles here at the building we were working on. I just didn't believe there were any ghosts in this place at all. So we get things going as soon as Kate and her crew get everything set up and watch as they step right into our first trap. Suddenly we watch as a figure appears next to the rocker we have set up and I have to look twice at the figure and it looks like Anastasia but I know it isn't Anastasia at all. Kate has not noticed the figure and soon it has disappeared from the room and suddenly it has appeared next to me and I am the only one who can see it. Then I hear the screams of agony and I see another figure with chains around her and a dog collar with sharp points around it, blood is flowing down from her head. Then our other scene has started and it is working and Kate is checking for any kind of equipment.

I am trying to debunk this so called haunted house theory and I have found a few things that definitely are being used to scare people out of this house. I am thinking there is someone running equipment in here and I Juarez haven't found it yet. I can't figure out how they got the ghosts and they looked like Anastasia. I decide to call Anastasia and see if it is her or not and Anastasia picks up the phone as the ghost heads right for me and goes by me as Anastasia is asking me if I am alright? I can't believe that there are more ghosts in this house, suddenly I hear what sounds like Elliott and see him and his crew running out of what looks like a secret passageway. He is being chased by several ghosts and his crew members are running in the other direction. I can't believe what I am seeing and my staff are grabbing their things and following the rest out when they see what is heading our way. Suddenly everything makes sense and I am running for my life. I won't be going back into this house again.

I make it to the van and we load what we were able to grab on the way out. The last ghost was the scariest of them all. There was blood dripping onto the floor and they were begging for help. It was an older version of Anastasia and she is trying to get free from what looks like a giant compared to her and he drags her down the stairs to the basement and turns around and say get out now or die and swings an ax at us. I felt the breeze off it as I ran for my life.

I keep listening to the sounds and I hear death threats being made and running and suddenly nothing but chains and screaming for help. It's not a human voice. I keep hearing things and I try to get Kate back on the phone and no matter what she hasn't answered me. I call my security that is there and he tells me that Kate is safe but scared half to death. I warned her about this place. She finally calls me from her replacement phone and tells me that I need to see the footage she has and she tell me that there are safe rooms and Elliott found them and they were set up so they could frighten people away from living in the house. Elliott is in big trouble from Kate and now me. He failed to tell me about what he found in the house. Right now he has ordered his men to complete the work because he and Kate refuse to come back to the place for any reason. I am glad my cleaning crews are willing to go in and clean the place. I was told they enjoy cleaning haunted houses. Hey if they are willing I am willing to let them. Jose and Jessica Rodriquez make a killing off building shows off their haunted house cleaning and they have gotten some pretty scary stuff out of doing it. Felicity hadn't had a good life there and she had the scars both physically and emotionally. The ghosts are real. Kate was there and she was frightened by the ghosts.

Kate was mad as hell at me for my stunts and she thought we were behind the rest of it as well, but we assured her we weren't and we showed her our footage of everything that happened that night. Anastasia was able to retrieve the equipment along with Kate's phone. Her cleaning people retrieved it for us. I wanted to reach out to them and she gave me their numbers. Jose Rodriquez and his wife have been involved in the supernatural since they were kids and they have been raised together and it's like they are of one mind. They have agreed to help me out with another haunted property. Kate has asked if she could join them in creating a show about the place as well. I really didn't want her to get involved but she insisted.

I am packing the equipment to go to see the place Elliott wanted us to look at. Jessica is pregnant and I don't want her around these places until she gives birth. It can be dangerous for a pregnant person. This is our first baby and it came about in a strange way and we hope that everything is going to be fine with the baby. We have not told anyone about what happened and we never will.

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