Can't Make The Case

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I wasn't charged with the deaths of the attorneys because they had no evidence. I can say mr Murder has lived up to his reputation and I paid him well by way of transactions that will never be traced. I am being watched closely and I know it. My lawyer is not as stupid as he looks and Richard now wishes he had him defending him. I got a guy fresh from law school and took my case so he could make a name for himself. So far he has been doing just that.

Colin Davis attorney
I freed my services to Elena and Richard Lincoln, but he refused and she liked my looks so allowed me to take her case. I had no idea how deep in doodoo she truly was. When I started reading her files I looked for as many as loopholes as I possibly can. I found enough to get her less than the life sentence they wanted to give her. Then they tried to pin ten attorneys deaths on her without evidence other than she was in the same state as they were and was doing business there. There's no doubt she was guilty, but she covered her bases. I still don't know how they caught them at all. I do know they had a bunch of employees rather than them out. We can't shake them up enough to get their testimony.

I made sure that Elena paid me in a way that could never be traced back to me. I am a well paid ghost writer and I do a lot for writing for anyone who pays me well. A contract is created and I use a different name for each client so I don't get caught and neither do the writers that I ghost write for. I write murder scenes that others can't, with each scene I make it unsolved. The murderer walks away at the end of the book. The who done it is answered but the murderer is never caught. The end of the book shows the murderer walking away from the bodies. Someone never suspected during the whole book. Sometimes I get serial killers and I create absurd scenarios that make everyone think there are more than one murderer involved. I make great money from all my vocations. I have many, including being cleaner, I also own a company that cleans up crime scenes. It's amazing what you can learn from those jobs. My money for the jobs arrived at the same location. The courier service delivered it to the same location. My assistant picked it up and brought it to the Internet cafe that I own and left it at the lost and found. My manager brought it back to my office and locked it in my safe. All lost items are placed in the safe and I get them to the rightful owners. My assistant and my staff have never really seen the real me, I wore disguises, even my fingerprints are disguised. A design I have a patent for and I am making legitimate money off of. The patent will go to my wife and children upon my death.

Elena definitely missed a bullet and she knows it. Ten murders couldn't be brought to trial, but can be reopened later. Her attorney tried to sway the police to try me for the ten murders, but I wasn't near any of them. Plus I don't know who they are or where they are. I do however know Elena traveled to each of the areas these attorneys had their law firms. They started digging into both our travel histories and hers seem to put her in each of their areas at some time. The charges were dropped before it went to trial because of lack of evidence.

I can't believe that Angela is turning two years old now and she is far ahead of her peers and I found out that Anastasia has been teaching her daughter everyday and wants her to excel in whatever she tries. She makes it fun for her. She has invented something that makes it easier for the both of them to connect in the girls education in every way. Miss Steele has applied for a patent and she got it. She wants to give me first off the factory floor so I can check it out for children who might benefit from it. She's not doing it to promote her product but to help other children who could benefit from it. Within a month I get a delivery from Miss Steele's company and I am shocked at how many she sent to me. It had to go into a storage room until we could go through the containers.

After showing dr Grey what I developed for Angela because she was way above the curve line for her abilities at two years old. I am very proud of Angela. I told Dr Grey that I would send her the first off the manufacturers floor and I did just that. The first run was two hundred of my teaching tools sets. After it was delivered I thought I should have sent her a little at a time and not the full run. I called and apologized but she said she was able to find homes for all of the two hundred. I guess her sons have daycare centers in the buildings and distributed some to them. Plus some to the children's ward in the hospital and sent some with the foster parents.

Mom sent something's for the childcare centers at my offices and Christian's offices as well. Mom brought one home to look it over better. I have to say it kept Mia busy for hours lol. It definitely was something for all ages.

I can't believe the comments made about the new educational tool set mom dropped off at the childcare centers. Now all of the teachers and parents want to buy these items. I had mom call the woman and see if she could give me a good deal so I can get the products for my staff members. Mom called her and she said she could direct me to the manufacturer so I could order the numbers I wanted. So mom gave me the number to the manufacturer and I got hold of the manager and he was waiting for my call. We settled on an amount and I paid and three hours later they were delivered to me. Andrea was flustered by the huge containers being dropped off at her desk. We had them taken to the distribution department within the loading dock. Apparently I had to sign for all the containers, so I did. The guys that delivered them took them to the distribution center for us. I had Andrea start the list of staff with children and she was the first to get hers. She then calls HR to get them to help with distributing to the people with children. A week later all of the staff who had children got one of these tools.

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