A Happy Medium

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Mr Elliott Grey contacted me regarding a property that he needs help with and I can't use Jessica on this job so I call the medium we used before and after the incident in which Jessica became pregnant after being told we could never have a baby. Well something came over us and we suddenly became frisky and it happened at every visit to the place. We were able to get the spirits to allow the family to move in and now they are a very happily married couple. They both seem to smile like the cat that swallowed the canary now. When we met them they were on the verge of divorcing and after they were able to move into the home they became two different people. Jessica thinks they might be inhabited by the same spirits she thinks took us over during our time there. She was very convincing and this baby she is having makes me truly wonder if this baby was a product of their possibly taking over our bodies. Never heard of it happening before but you never know.

Jose hired Elsie Carter a well respected medium to go with Elliott and him to the property. We want to keep me away from unknown spirits due to our miracle baby. We don't want to risk losing the baby by taking unnecessary risks. Elsie and I competed with each other and for Jose, but I won him in the end. She has moved on thank goodness.

Meeting Jose Rodriquez and Elsie Carter was a great idea and I brought along a few of the neigh sayers from the crews. I want to see them debunk the ghosts haunting this property. I have asked Kate to send out a filming crew. Kavanagh Media got into the film and news crews as soon as Kate turned 18 and started working for her dad, she created a whole department. She is definitely a spoiled princess. I can't begrudge her that, because Christian and my trust funds helped me build my company so I was really doing well to begin with. If we can get things straightened out on this property and I can build on it, I will make a lot of profit on it.

Elsie Carter
As soon as Jose told me the address and that I would need to meet him and the owner and the owners wife with her film crew outside the gates of the property. He hadn't told me it was Elliott hot stud Grey and I didn't know his wife would be here as well. Can't make a move on him in front of Kate or she will kick my ass like she did in high school when I tried to seduce Thomas Davis her boyfriend back then. She pulled me off him by my hair. Then she shoved me into the bathroom stall and began shoving my face in the toilet. I had no idea a female would do that to someone. I heard that a guy had it done to him in the same stall a week before. She was never a bully, but she was also someone to be feared if you crossed her. Hopefully that is in the past now. I am going to keep my distance from her, can't guarantee that I will stay away from Elliott though it's in my nature to try to seduce a good looking man. Jose has warned me about trying that shit with any married man around him. I owe a lot of my current business to him and Jessica so I need to keep my libido in check.

I pull up and see Elsie Carter whore of Seattle. Her van has her name and her job title along with company name, address and business number on the side along with her nasty looking face on it. I am introduced to her and Jose Rodriquez. We wait while Elliott and his crew move the gates out of the way so we can enter the property. My crew are with me and they brought some special very expensive equipment with them. Elliott tried to get a company here to clear out the brush but they all refused. So we are driving through to where there used to be a home. It seems like it still standing and we head up the stairs to the doors. The crew is filing all of this and we will do the instructions later on . Elliott finds the electric box and turns the lighting on, he brought bulbs for the lighting. He also brought flashlights for all of us. The house is dusty and has spider webs in every corner of the place. I should have brought a hat like everyone else has, Elliott hands me one. That's when it all starts and the hat ends up on the floor from a huge gust of wind from nowhere. The house has no doors or windows open and then we see where the wind has came from.

I am already feeling a very hostile presence and not from just one source, but from many sources. Jose has brought out his equipment like any of that is going to work against these spirits. Soon I get the feeling that there are bodies that need some help from us. Unfortunately I am being forced to leave by the hostile environment that exists in the house. I walk outside and soon I am drawn to the flower garden that now has weeds grown as tall as I am. I tell Elliott we need to get the weeds removed from the garden and have it dug up. I suddenly double over from pain in my stomach like someone punched me in it. Elliott had already called them and they arrive and start working as Zi pint to the spots I hear the spirits tell me where they are buried. We have to call the police once we find the first body. We have to let them come and dig every single place I guide them to. I get this overwhelming feeling of something trying to choke me but can't. I keep pointing out where bodies are buried and the cops are looking at me suspiciously. I explain to them about being a medium and I don't know any of these people who were murdered and buried here. Soon they are experiencing the spirits themselves especially the spirit that murdered all of these people. Kate has been filming this whole time and no on noticed so I keep quiet about it. She isn't the only one filming it.

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