A Surprise Guest

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Christian has been very busy lately and he has been helping the nanny who was beaten by the other two nannies. She woke up and they moved her to rehabilitation facility. Christian goes to see her once a week. Kimberly Jones has no one left in her family and that was why she decided to work as a nanny. I found myself at Christian's visiting my one year old grandsons. Suddenly someone is at the gate looking to talk to Christian about Devon the mother of the triplets. We have no idea who they are so security searches them and after they are cleared they guide them to the living room after the mannies take the boys to their play areas.

Sara Jane Howard Lewis
I discovered by accident that my sister had died in childbirth and had triplets. My husband and I flew to Seattle to get custody of them. Both of us were abandoned children and we can't have our own children and when I discovered I had three nephews I looked into it and Christian Grey is their father but he is single. I believe they should be with us. I have not been able to find out much on him and the photos taken of him are really blurry, but he sort of looks like Roger and his twin brother (we discovered that Roger had an identical twin brother who was adopted as well, apparently they were both abandoned in different states.) Roger and David are with me today for moral support.

Roger Lewis
I can't imagine what this guy does to have a mansion like this. We are all searched and then led to the parking area near the steps of 5he house. We are hoping to get the boys home with us. David Parish is just here for moral support.

David Parish
After Roger found me working for an airline he suggested we get tested to see if we were brothers it turns out we are. I am used to the search procedures because they happen a lot at the airports. We finally are led up the long drive to a parking area close to the steps of the mansion. Soon we are taken to an older lady and are introduced to her as Dr Trevelyn Grey. She apparently is the grandmother of the triplets and also the mother of Christian Grey. We still don't know if they are boys or girls. Well at least I don't know.

I am looking at two men who look like Christian and alarmingly so. They have minor differences in their accents and how they wear their clothes and their hairstyles are different as well. You can tell the differences in them and if Christian was here I could tell him from them, if I didn't know Christian I might not be able to see it, but it is obvious they weren't raised by the same people or I; the same state. Sara is the one explaining why she is in my son's home and what she wants from Christian. I don't know how he is going to take her presence and I do know that it is strange that she brought two Christian look a likes with her. Apparently she is married to Roger Lewis and they were only aware of her sister's death recently. I need to call Carrick and Christian about this situation. Apparently Roger and David are twins and if I am thinking straight they are really probably triplets. Someone left Christian as a newborn less than a week old and the caseworker contacted Carrick and I to adopt him. She knew that I had been told after my sixth miscarriage to stop trying to get pregnant or lose my life. So she called us in and we adopted him and no one claimed him.

I am looking at the two men and Sara and somehow they found each other and I asked if they would do a DNA test to see if Christian is their brother, the date is right. The papers left with Christian give the same birthdate and time of birth is close. The babies wake up and they are checking Roger and David out and not sure if they are their daddy. Sara has tried to hold them, but they resist her touching them. Christian walks in with Elliott following him.

Omg it's bad enough there is one of you Christian but I must be seeing things because I am seeing triples of just you in a different way.

Shut up Elliott I slap his hard hat and we introduce ourselves. They definitely look like me physically, but they don't have my accent or my mannerisms. My boys are hiding behind my back on the sofa and peeking out at the other two and mrs Lewis, Devon's so called sister who wasn't around for her during her pregnancy or her death. Dad recommended that we get tested to see if we are triplets or not. At first I didn't like the idea but they talked me into it. Sara then demanded to find out whether my sons were truly my sons. I pull out my phone and show her all three DNA tests that were done along with the second set that we had done at an anonymous lab.

All three boys are very healthy and smart unlike Devon. Christian Grey also insisted on me getting a DNA test done as well to prove that I am Devon's sister. This is not what I was expecting and I am not sure if I want to get tested at this point. The boys won't allow me near them at all. I tried and tried but they finally had to be taken out of the living room and consoled by Christian. He is definitely a good father. We finally leave after setting up a time to be tested and I really don't want to get tested at all.

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