Sweet Dreams

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I flew to New York to get the material for my wedding dress and the bridesmaids dresses. Amy Miller is my bridesmaid and Anastasia Steele is my maid of honor. Both are the same size, well except in one area. Some people have more on top than others. No strapless dresses for them. I was told to get certain things from the shop that has the material I want. They needed me to look at it in person before they cut it for me off the bolts of material. I need to keep it clean and dry and get it to Enid to create my wedding attire. Mom says that she likes the material for her dress. I have unlimited monetary resources for my wedding and honeymoon. Between my parents and brothers I am set, even Barney has given me access to some of his assets. I had no idea he made as much as he does at GEH, but he has patents that he owns and he is paid for use of them. He hasn't exactly told me how much he makes in a year, but seeing what his home looks like I can guess it's quite a nice income. He has several accountants that work for him. He had an accountant that tried to steal from him when he started working for GEH at 14 years old. His parents had hired the guy and he no longer speaks to his parents and the accountant is behind bars along with them. He stayed with his aunt and uncle and he had a court appointed accountant manager. Everything was accounted for and expenses were gone over with a fine tooth comb and they had to show receipts to get reimbursed for anything. Otherwise it had to be billed and paid that way. Barney keeps his accounts pretty secure and knows where his money goes to every day. He did ask me to give the credit and debit cards of my family's back to them before our wedding. He figures with his income and mine we shouldn't use their money.

Mia is definitely a princess and she has slowed down after meeting me. I am not a cheapskate by any means, but I like living within my means and not indulging in anything that is extravagant because of the name on it, unless it is high tech and is definitely high quality. Some of the things in my home are high quality and special ordered. Mia has brought back a lot from New York and had it delivered to Mrs Kavanagh so she can make all the wedding dresses and tuxes. I have never been fitted for a suit much less a tux. Mr Grey told me to be prepared to attend events and be part of the Grey family events from now on. Mia helps put them together with her family. She has great abilities in the kitchen and has been working as a chef for her brother so she can get more confident in her abilities. She wants to open her own restaurant and Christian and Elliott are going to help her do it.

I can't get over the material that Mia chose for us. I was not happy with the color of it until I saw the finished dress and Enid worked her miracles. It looks perfect on me and stands out without overpowering the others attire. The wedding dress is a mixture of hearts and flowers in delicate lace over silk. It doesn't have a train or veil. It flows around her legs and looks like an evening dress but it goes down to her shoes. It's a very comfortable looking dress and she has a handmade matching headband for her hair. It is very simple but it works. The tuxes are amazing and all the men stand out. Carrick asked Enid to make him three more outfits. Two business suits and another tux as a spare. Enid made me a matching bag and gloves to go with my dress.

After finding out the cost of my tux, I placed an order with Enid for other items. We get a family discount, but I pay her the going price of her work because it is much less expensive to have her make them than go elsewhere. It definitely cut on the costs of paying for Mia's wedding dress and all the other outfits. We invited Enid to the wedding and sat her by one of my single friends. His wife cheated on him too. I am finally walking Mia down the aisle and she looks very happy. Barney looks nervous, but that's usually the case. Mia actually gave all of our credit and debit cards back to us and told us she wanted to try life without the monetary help from all of us.

I can't believe that Mia handed over all the debit and credit cards we gave her to use for anything she needed. Kate has been telling me that Mia should not be using my debit or credit cards because she is old enough to make her own money. I was so thrilled that she gave them back to me because Kate was not happy that I was allowing Mia to buy such expensive items and also paying for parties for her friends on her family's dime. Kate will be happy about it. Christian asked me how I knew I was ready to get married to Kate? I told him she was about to break up with me because I wasn't willing to commit to her. She stopped seeing me for a month and I missed her so very much. It took me seeing her out with friends and one guy was getting too friendly with her and she slapped him. So I went over and told the guy to keep his hands off my soon to be wife. I took her out of the restaurant and we went to get her ring size the next day.

Elliott really wasn't wanting to get married and here he is married, Anastasia is not pressuring me into anything and I don't want her to be pressured into anything either. She has a three year old who is thinking that I am her daddy. When she called me that we explained as well as we could that I wasn't her daddy. I distanced myself from them because of that reason alone. Angela is the flower girl today and she is four years old. She has snubbed me since she saw me. Anastasia has avoided me since I ignored her calls, that was almost eight months ago. She looks great standing beside Mia and Amy. I have missed her greatly.

I knew that Mia's wedding would be difficult for Angela and I, but Mia begged me to be part of her wedding along with Angela. Angela looks adorable in her dress that matches Amy and I. Angela is mad at Christian and so am I, but we are doing this for Mia because she has remained friends with us. I see the rest of his family at various times. I avoid him at GEH, but I did that anyway to avoid rumors about us. We won't be staying long at all. Since I will be sitting at the wedding party table it would be best for us both to avoid each other, just as he avoided me all these months. Plus Angela doesn't like him anymore.

An hour after we have been at the reception Mia and Barney have gotten all the wedding photos completed along with the cake being cut, the garter toss, the bouquet toss and we say goodbye. I follow them from the reception and we get home just in time to put Angela down for a nap.

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