The Iceberg Melts

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Sometimes you just need to do the right thing for the wrong reasons. The more that came out in the different trials the more the Lincoln's were buried in charges and witnesses against them. They are going to tried in other states for even worse crimes. Elena was also being charged with labor law violations that pretty much made her look like a slave master. The more they dug I was lucky to be free of them both. Missing people were found and returned to their families. They started digging up the Lincoln's properties after witnesses came forward against them. I guess they were trying to involve the Grey family in their business and have one of their victims marry the three children. It failed because Elena couldn't keep her hands off the male Grey's. She wanted control over the billions along with the power that goes with it so her and her husband could be above the law. It all came out when Lily Johnson testified against them.

Elena always thought that I was an airhead, I was not your average blonde, blue eye 18 year old had she cared to actually look past my teenage mischiefs. My dumb acts gave me a juvenile record but my grades never changed from straight a's in every course I took. But people looked at me and thought blonde bimbo because of my looks and my accent. I hate that blonde bimbo stigma. A breast reduction is not something that I am willing to do. I am not vain and if you can't look at me and see there is a person behind my physical looks then move on. Some think they can talk to me however they wish to because my big boobs apparently give them that right. Talk about a sexual harassment lawsuit being in my future, I decided to become an attorney. Let's see how that goes. I made sure that I told everything that I saw and heard along with having recordings that Elena gave me so I would do as she asked. The more I spoke the more others came forward to tell their Lincoln story. Finally they were found guilty of enough to put them in prison for life. When the final day came both her and her husband had been beaten to a pulp and they came down with the sentences. I saw some very relieved faces. Some broke down in tears of happiness that the Lincoln's were finally getting the prison time they deserved.

I was in the courtroom when they finally found the Lincoln's guilty. I went out to celebrate the sentences. I wasn't the only one not brave enough to testify against them. I know they were involved in both my brother and sister's disappearance somehow. The investigation is on going for their victims. Jacob and Danielle were both taken after they had worked for the Lincoln's, the Lincoln's lied about not knowing them. It came out in the trials that they knew them both. They aren't the smartest people when it came to choosing people to carry out their evil plans.

Witnesses/ victims were brought in to testify against the Lincoln's and I immediately recognized Jacob and Danielle by the hair and their eyes. Sadly they were skin and bones. I asked to please talk to them in private. They allowed me to see them but not alone and they searched me prior to letting me inside the office. They started crying when they saw me. I hugged them gently and said I loved them and never gave up trying to find them.

I thought I saw Felicity in the back of the court room and I did. We need medical care along with the others the Lincoln's enslaved. Danielle was hurt the worse. I was powerless against the people who were holding us. We thought we were dreaming when we were removed from the place they held us in. Suddenly we were being treated at a hospital and fed along with being bathed.

These people sold three of my babies, after forcing a young man to impregnate me. They made sure I stayed healthy until they didn't need to. They took the bodies out and I was going to be next. They got all ages and all different people in all socioeconomic groups. The two they brought in from a multibillionaires wouldn't stop making threats. Sadly they got the rest of us hurt. We finally were rescued and cleaned up and fed and treated by the hospital staff. The police were asking us questions and all of were questioned separately. They can't find my babies. The father of my babies apologized for what they forced him to do to me. We were gone for four years. Jacob had to do the same thing to other females. He feels horrible and so do I. The Lincoln's are monsters.

I am trying to hold it together after I got beat up during the transfer to court. Richard looks like he has been beaten as well. There are new charges against us and I see the witness lists and it is long. Richard had no idea that he was transferring humans and selling them off to the people with the most money. The babies were a plus. So many are willing to pay for a newborn baby and they don't care where they get them from. They pay big money. Things had to be played quite carefully and we found someone who would do the job for us.

I found out that Elena was selling babies that she forced the best looking and healthiest of the hostages we had have sex to create babies to sell at a premium. I wasn't aware of that at all. She used me and my shipping company and made me look as guilty as she is. No wonder we are wanted all over the US. I can't believe it and Zi asked for a separate trial and got it.

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