Friends with benefits

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I really been single for 9 years now, I haven't had sex, I haven't fucked around even though my needs were calling each time but I been great just doing me. I was in college and I know I should have fun and explore more buy after my relationship ended I was out into a depression and didn't wanna deal with no one but my friend of mine keep pushing me to go to parties and so but I don't want to be involved in them until today at 5am before the sun even came up, he texted me like he always do but I never really respond but today I said why not.

"Good morning, Jeffrey."

"Ohh shit you actually texted me back,"

"Yeah, I decide why not."

"Good giving me a chance. I like that,"

"A chance?"

"Yeah, with me,"

"Umm, I don't know about they,"

"Ohh shit mybad"

"Naw, you ok, but well, see where it goes. I never really been into getting in a relationship right now,"

"Actually same I'm just looking for a  close friend, go shopping, smoking, chill, vibe, basically do relationship things but not in one."

"Gotcu, we can try it out

"Bet, see you in class today," I put my phone down with him, sending me pictures of himself as he was actually cute.

I picked out my outfit seeing my guy friend was texting me asking me if my other friend Diego was coming to school, he always had a crush on him but never once went for it but always tells me to go for. I showered washing my hair, brushing my teeth before getting out and finishing up my routine before making myself breakfast as Diego called me. "Hello,"

"Wassup yo, you wanna walk with me to school."

"Yeah, just meet at my house,"

"Ok, bet, I want some to make me a plate,"

"Damn greedy how you know."

"You always cooking," he laughed, hanging up as I made extra for him plus more just in case Andy asked for some cause I know he is.

Diego came to my house as I gave him his plate as I held Andy's plate in my hand as we walked to our first class as we talked about Andy this, Andy that, did Andy wanna go out, I just got over It and told him to text him as I slide him his number laughing but irritated. We arrived seeing Andy standing with his friends. Has he started cat calling Diego as he started smiling, walking away from me as I smiled laughing, waving at Andy before walking around since I was early, Then I saw him with his jock squad but I call them the joke squad as I walked up to them as they just looked at me, "hey, Jeffrey"

"Hey boo,"

"Just wanted to see if you wanted a sandwich," I said, making him one while I was making Diego one

"Hell yeah, he does," his friend took it from me, almost dropping the hash brown as I laughed as they fought over it with him walking with me as we talked getting to know each other as his lips were so big and they looked soft I just wanted to wrap mine around he's but I knew we was just friends but he did say friends that do relationship shit so maybe he wants a friends with benefits.

We started to walk to class as we talked more, telling me about his family and his career goals and how he wants to be in the NBA, and I was actually surprise by that cause I thought his dream was going to be like a chef or a lawyer but NBA makes more then both so I can't wait to see that.

We arrived to our class has we took our seats next to each other as we just followed along with our professor, as I took notes he was looking at me bitting his lips and when I would turn towards him he would smile and look away, "you got caught", he laughed focusing back on the teacher as he grabbed my hand putting it under the table making me touch his dick as I got shook and moved my hand with the quickness. "No, stop it,"

"Just touch it"

"Sexually harassment," he said, laughing as we had 5 more minutes in class since she went through the lesson so quick like she always does, "Alright class make sure yall study for those test, we got a project coming up and finish reading the chapter and I'll see yall in two days, have fun be safe and see you then", she said as she dismissed us as we headed out, "so how did it feel"

"Shut up"

"Is it big, small"

"Shut up"

"Shit I wanna slide it in between them cheeks", I stopped at look at him

"Do you just wanna fuck or be friends"

"Shit both, I told you that"

"Did you cause I didn’t catch that"

"Mybad that I didn't say"

"Yeah so take me to get some food, then we go shopping then we can have some fun"

"So a date"

"No a friends date"

"Cool, let's go", we headed to his house to pick up his car as he had to ran in and get his keys as I just waited outside waiting for him to come back as I looked at his house it was Beautiful it was a townshome I wonder who lived with him.

He came back out running as I saw he changed his clothes, unlocking the door as I got in, putting in the destination cause I wanted seafood, so of course we was going to juciy seafood, we talked the whole way there as he was actually entertaining to be around, he started playing his favorite song jamming which was one of my favorite songs as we was singing heading to juicy.

We arrived hoping our table was ready cause I did not want to wait, we walked in as they greeted us before she took us to our table cause I don't play about my food. We sat down and started talking some more, we ordered and just enjoyed each other company. We both didn't pick up our phones and just had a good time with each other, we probably could skip shopping and just go back to my house cause I actually did want to see what it looked like it's been years since I had some and it's been a week since I nutted so why not explore him since we're friends with benefits, the only question is who's paying?

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