Poll Time!

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You all know I hate interrupting the story like this, but this is crucial and I'm having a crisis over it.

I love this story just as much as you guys, and I have so much fun writing it. My ideas are over flowing, and I would LOVE to cover more arcs and even my own storylines! That being said:

Here are the choices:

1. We (and by 'we' I mean 'me') create a second book.

2. We continue the story and its many parts here, but dividing it into parts. For example:
— If the 'arc' end at chapter 50, we start the second part which goes by a new name.
— It would be formatted like: PART 2: (whatever I decide to name it)(the first page will probably introduce a little of the plot line and pictures of our lovey Sting (and maybe others)) and then from there do 1,2,3 etc...
— I say this because the further we go into what I want to do, the name "Sold to Sabers" doesn't really fit anymore :/

Anyways, happy deciding! I look forward to the feedback.

Much love 🫶

Sold to Sabers•(Sting x Reader)•Book 1Where stories live. Discover now