Chapter 1: The wizards deal

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(3rd POV):

The two brothers were in front of the mayor, being praised for destroying the Grimm nest and getting the money for it. The brothers, on the other hand, were covered in soot and ash with many cuts on their clothes and skin. The mayor's face was filled with glee while the boy's face was covered in fatigue.

Mayor: I can't begin to express how grateful I am. The people of Bibury are very grateful for your work. I feel honored to give you this money. I don't say that too often.

The two "huntsman" didn't move one bit or changed their face at all. The mayor was worried that they just died standing up, luckily, Jac spook before the mayor called someone.

Jac: *softly* we would just like the... money...and we'll be out of

Mayor: I, uh, can't help but notice that you look rather...exhausted. Tell you what, I'll let you stay in one of the finest hotels in Bibury, free of charge.

Jac: We don't like to...overstay...our welcome sir, the money is...

Mayor: Please, I know a tired man when I see one, it just wouldn't feel right for you to leave the state you're in.

Zane: *mumbles* I wouldn't mind a hot shower right about now.

Jac looked at a dead-looking Zane, he admitted to himself that a shower and a good bed sounds like heaven right about now. He sighed as he looked up at the mayor.

Jac: Couldn't hurt...I guess...alright...we'll stay for a night.

(Timeskip brought to you by chibi Zane dragging a sleeping Jac by the ankle)

(Zane POV):

I just got out of the shower coming out with a wife-beater, black sweatpants, and damped hair. Jac was taking one right now as I was just laying on the bed just about to go to sleep until I heard a knock on the door. I ignored it at first thinking they would go away if I didn't move.

Jac: Zane! Can you get the door?

So much for that idea. I sluggishly got up and went to the door. I must have been going slow since they knocked again as I got to the door handle to open the door. I didn't even open my eyes when the door revealed the knocker I'm gonna kill later.

Zane: What do you want? People are trying to sleep!

???: Well, that's certainly new.

The voice sounded like an older man. I open my eyes to see a man with small black glasses, a green suit, black tuxes and pants, and an odd-looking cane. I look at him for a small while and froze in place once I realized who it was; Ozpin.

Ozpin: I take it you're the "huntsman" known as Zane Hacksmith.

Ozpin was in front of me right now. The headmaster of beacon academy was right at my hotel doorstep. I don't even know what to feel; excited, scared, both? Yeah, both. Excited because the big man of Vale was here all by himself and scared because I have no idea why he was here or why he was looking for me. I heard a door open behind me yet I didn't bother to look and just kept staring at Ozpin.

Jac: Hey who's that at the do-

Even though I couldn't see behind myself, I somehow knew Jac had the exact same face I did. Ozpin looked behind me and kept his small smile as he saw Jac.

Ozpin: And you must be Jac Hacksmith, I heard much about you, the both of you, and I must say I'm impressed with the work you two have done.

Did he just praise us? That question broke me out of my awe trace but I was still tense and afraid. I looked to where Jac was and saw that he was in a towel with wet hair. This dumbass.

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