Chapter 16: Day Out pt.2

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(Zane POV):

We all made it to the docks and saw the infamous Roman Torchwick aiming his cane at a monkey Faunes, the same one we saw yesterday. Ruby, Rai, and I got our weapons, ready to fight.

Ruby: Hey!

Roman looked up at the roof we were on while still aiming his cane at the Faunes.

Roman: Well hello red. Isn't it-

He stopped his quip when he looked at me and got angry, from what I assume would be from all the times Jac and I would mess up his operations.

Roman: You.

Rai: You know him?

Zane: Not by choice.

Penny: Is he a friend?

Ruby: Penny get back!

As Ruby warned her, Roman shot at me with fire dust but I was able to block with my shield. Penny got mad that Roman shot at me and started to walk up to the edge.

Rai: Penny what are you doing!?!

Ruby: Penny stop!

Penny: It's ok guys, I'm combat-ready!

Suddenly, Penny's back mechanically opened up and a bunch of swords came out of her, floating in mid-air. She jumped off the roof and started to take out the Whitefang with ease. The three of us looked at Penny in shock.

Rai: ...Are you guys seeing this?

Zane: You mean Penny completely owning a small army?

Ruby: Or the fact that she just popped out swords out of her back.

Rai: Both.

Suddenly, three airships came in and Penny spun her floating swords in a circle and fired a laser. A fucking laser! The ship split in half and went over our heads, crashing into the sea behind us. We looked back at her and I saw Roman trying to get away.

Zane: Rai, go check up on Blake. Ruby, you help out Penny. I got a gangster to catch.

We all jump down and I follow Roman, who is about to get into an airship. I shot the ship which made him stop dead in his tracks. He turned around with an annoyed sigh.

Roman: You just had to be here, did you?

Zane: I'm just as surprised as you are and not in a good way.

Roman: You know, you don't have to fight me. You can leave and pretend we never saw each other.

Zane: Hmm, you drive a hard bargain.

I turned around and loaded a wind-infused bullet into my gun. I heard Roman shoot at me and instinctively shot the ground below me, sending me in the air and dodging Roman's shot. While in the air, I transformed Silver Star into its sword form and we both collided our weapons. I was strong enough to push him away from the airship and I kept doing so until his back into a shipping container.

Zane: Back against the wall and nowhere to run. My favorite combo.

Roman: Come on, you know me better than that. I always have a backup.

Zane: And I keep taking care of them and this is by far the shittest one if they're not even-

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see a woman no taller than my chest, with pink and brown hair, and a childish smile. I raised my brow in confusion until I felt something hook on my foot. I looked down and saw that it was from an umbrella, which she used to make me fall on my face. As I got up, the girl's umbral tip had a small dagger, and tried to stab me with it. I rolled away and jumped up into my fighting stance.

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