Chapter 24: Hard Job

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(Zane POV):

I watched as Qrow was laying back while drinking on his flask, even though it was around 2 pm, and trying to figure out how to get a guy like him to like me. As he drank, he kept side-eyeing Jac, who just crossed his arms trying to ignore him. Needless to say, I'm stressed on what to do.

Zane: Well, my brother is already someone he doesn't like, so that's not helping me. But I was a pretty good huntsman if that general is to be believed, so maybe I could use that to relate. Ugh, is this supposed to be this hard?

Rai: Yo.

I yelped and almost punched my partner, but I was able to stop myself mid-way. Rai's expression didn't change, probably used to this sort of thing.

Zane: You seriously need a bell or something.

Rai: Uh huh, anyways I thought that since we have a few hours until we arrive, why don't you fill me in on who exactly we're seeing?

Zane: I guess it's better you know in case you ran into her. Oh, where's Ash? I don't wanna repeat myself.

Rai motioned his head to where Ash is, who I saw texting on his scroll. By my guest, it was Blake given how he seemed happier than ever. I whistled to get his attention and he came over while putting his scroll in his pocket.

Zane: Alright, as you know we're meeting someone and Jac hasn't seen in a long time. *They nod* Well, she's a local farmer and she lives pretty far from the actual village. She keeps to herself most of the time and she usually wears a green hoodie, although it's been a while seen so take it with a grain of salt.

Ash: How do you know her?

Zane: Jac and I were hurt from a fight, really hurt, so when she found us she nursed us back to health. Jac was a little suspicious of her, which is natural for him, but we stayed for like a month or so and she did nothing but help us. The only reason we left was that a bunch of kids like us would have put her in danger, it sucked but it was for the best.

Rai: Ok that's great and all, but what's she actually like? Why is she so important?

When he asked me that, I started to remember a few moments I had with her. One of them was from just staying with her for a few days, but despite it being years ago the event feels as if it happened yesterday.

(Flashback, 3rd POV)

A 9-year-old Zane was watching Amber reading a book on a cushioned chair and, feeling bored, decided to go up at the side, having his head poke up from the armrest. Amber noticed him just looking at the book with a hard intense gaze and couldn't help but smile at him.

Amber: Hey Zane.

Zane: Hi.

Amber: Where's your brother?

Zane: He's not my brother and he's out punching rocks, like always.

Amber: And you don't want to do that?

Zane: No ... hiiiii ... hwwwww-

Amber tilted her head in confusion, with him just repeating himself over and over, but she realized soon enough that he was spelling out the title of the book she was reading. She made the book easier to see and pointed to the first few letters.

Amber: He-

Zane: He-

Amber: -rows-

Zane: -row-

Amber: -Bur-

Zane: -Bur-

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