Chapter 3: Shining beacon

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(3rd POV):

Everyone exited the bullhead, some walked, some ran, and one went to a trashcan. For the four teens, however, Yang was helping her boyfriend up while ruby did the same with Zane, minus the boyfriend part.

Zane: You didn't have to go that hard Jac.

Jac: Sorry, had a lot of pent-up rage.

Zane: Eh, it's fine.

Ruby: Really? After all that you guys are cool now.

Zane: Yeah. *Looks out to the open door* Hey we landed, come on guys let's go!

Ruby: Hey, what for me!

The two 15-year-olds sprinted out of the bullhead, leaving the 17-year-olds in the dust. Said 17-year-olds soon followed suit and got in front of the school itself, staring at the building in amazement.

All: Wow.

They were all in a state of aww. For the 3 of them, it was from the building, but for Ruby, it was for other things. Mainly the other student's weapons.

Ruby: *Goes chibi mode* Ohmygosh, look! That kid's got a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword!

Yang: *Grabs Ruby before she can run off* Whoa there little sis, don't get too excited, they're just weapons.

Ruby: Just weapons!?! There an extension of ourselves! There a part of us! Oh, they're so cool.!

Zane: That's a philosophy I can get behind.

Yang: I'm just saying, you should try making your own friends while you're here.

Zane: Hey! Am I'm I not a good enough friend for her!?!

Jac: I don't think she meant it like that.

Ruby: Besides, Zane's my friend and I think that's enough for me.

Jac: Aww.

Yang: I hope you mean that becaussssssssse.

Suddenly, a group of people got in between them and snatched Yang. Jac also got caught up in the crowd, courtesy of his girlfriend holding his arm while it while being taken. This left both Zane and Ruby spinning in confusion, though Zane recovered faster.

Yang: MyfriendsarehereIgottacatchupwiththemandproveI'mnotcrazy'kayseeyaBYE!

Ruby: *Spinning* Wait, where are you going?! Are we supposed to go to our dorms? Where are our dorms? Do we have dorms? I don't know what I'm doing.

Ruby was about to fall but Zane caught her last second by the arms. Zane began pulling her up but a cart hit both of them sending them tumbling and suitcases flying.

???: What are you two doing?

The two teens looked up to see a girl with a blue dress, a long singular ponytail, and a scar on her left eye. Zane seemed to recognize her and groaned but Ruby didn't seem to know who she was.

 Zane seemed to recognize her and groaned but Ruby didn't seem to know who she was

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