Chapter 6: Lost in the woods

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(3rd POV):

Zane was stretching his back and his partner was dusting what little dirt he had off. Zane was a little pissed at the moment, not only by the pain but also by the fact that they were lost.

???: Alright I think we should establish a few things. First, I'm the one giving the orders. Two, you don't question my methods. And three, I demand respect from you, or else. Any questions?

Zane: ...Shouldn't we start with names first?

???: Names? Wait, you don't know who I am?

Zane: You never said it.

Rai: I am Rai Azar! The hair to the Azar Weapon's inc. One of the most profitable companies in Altlas, second that to the Schnee Dust Company! We're the ones responsible for Alta's military having such advance and abundant tech.

Zane: ...I'm Zane Hacksmith. And I asked for your name, not your background.

Rai: How do you not know who I am!?! What, were you living under a rock or something?

Zane: Hey, how 'bout we head to where we need and put a pin on this, alright?

Rai: Ugh, fine. Whatever.

Zane: Great! Now, where do we go, 'leader'?

Rai: Weren't you listening to Ozpin, we head north.

Zane: *Arm's crossed* And where's north?

Rai: Well, it's-

Rai looked in a circle around him like he would recognize where north is by memory. He looked at Zane, whose arms were still crossed, and held an unimpressed look, with worry and slight embarrassment.

Rai: It's, uh, well it's obviously, um, ... how about you guess and I'll see if you're right?

Zane rolled his eyes and walked to a tall-looking tree and began to climb it.

Rai: Hey, what are you doing?

Zane: Everyone knows that the sun can tell us east and west. Since it's just become morning, the sun should be at the east, which will tell us where north is.

Rai: So you're just gonna leave me here?

Zane: It shouldn't take that long. Just stay there.

Rai: HEY!!! I'm the one giving orders! And...keep doing what you're doing.

Zane began to climb the tree in frustration. He could tell Rai would be a piece of work and is not looking forward to being his 4-year partner.

Zane: I bet Jac is doing so much better right now.

Speaking of Jac, he was making his way to where Ozpin said with his new partner, Ash. They've been with each other for a few minutes yet the most that came out of their mouths was an introduction.

Jac: ...So how's the family?

Ash: Good.

Jac: Oh that's good.

...Back with a vengeance.

Jac: I bet Zaneis doing so much better right now

Back to Zane, he made his way on top of the tree, pinpointing where they are. However, Zane's plan wasn't as full proof as he thought, since the sun was in the middle of the sky.

Zane: It's noon. *Sigh* Fucking perfect.

Zane looked around to see if he could find where they were supposed to go. In his search, he saw Beacon Cliff, a lot farther than expected.

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