Chapter 20: Jumping The Bull

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(Zane Pov):

I am never getting in a car with Rai ever again.

Right now, we were racing and drifting our way to the highway but I was holding onto the grip handle as if my life depended on it. Although given how many close calls we had to a crash, I think it does.

Zane: You know when you said we'd get there in 10 minutes, I'd assume you meant in one piece!

Rai: You were the one that wanted me to go fast! So excuse me for taking a few chances!

Zane: Like the chance of us living!

Rai: Oh don't be such a drama queen.

He said this as he ran a red light and almost hit an SUV, pretty sure there was a kid in there. Needless to say, I'd rather be fighting Roman than be in the same vehicle as my partner.

(Meanwhile, with the others)

(3rd POV):

Down at the bridge, team RWBY, Jac, and Ash were facing Roman inside his mech. The mech was making its way to the group and Ruby was planning her method of attack.

Ruby: Freezerburn!

The two boys looked at her like she was crazy when they saw Weiss forming ice and Ruby backing up, they took the hint and did what Ruby did. Yang jumped up and punched the sheet of ice, causing a smoke screen. Roman scanned the area with laser-mounted turrets, shooting at anything that dared to move. Ruby jumped up to Roman, swinging her scythe at the front, while Ash shot at the turrets, destroying them. Ruby landed right next to Jac, Blake, and Weiss.

Ruby: Checkmate!

Weiss and Blake started to rush at the mech and Jac was distracted.

Jac: They have team attacks? When the fuck did they make team attacks!?! Why the fuck don't we have team attacks!?!

However, he snapped himself out of it to dodge some upcoming missiles. Weiss summoned a lighting-infused glyph under Blake and she cut every single rocket in the air.

Ruby: Ladybug!

Ruby and Blake then slashed at the mech's legs, jumped up, and cut off one of the mech's arms. Yang then jumped up on the mech and punched it with Ember Celica, which staggered Roman for a bit but he eventually rammed her against three pillars and punched her on the fourth. Jac reacted by jumping to the side of the mech and attacking with a combination of his flamethrower and machine gun, using his grapnel hook to stay on. However, he was deaf with rage and didn't hear the other arm come his way to pull him off and slam him to the ground. Jac rolled back to his feet but Roman acted fast and went to punch him. Despite his shields, Jac knew it wouldn't be enough to block, but to his surprise, he didn't feel a thing. He looked up and saw his girlfriend holding the mech's fist back, her hair blazing and eyes red. Yang punched back and shattered the arm, leaving Roman with an armless robot.

Jac: Oum I love that woman.

Roman got frustrated and kicked Yang away, which made Jac hastily use his grapnel hook to catch her. This left him open and Roman was more than ready to squash him but his legs were shot with a powerful gust of wind, staggering him a step back. Roman looked ahead and saw Ash, who was the one that shot him, Ruby, and Weiss aimed at him.

Ruby: Whiterose!

Weiss summoned a glyph at the tip of her leader's sniper and, together with Ash, shot dust-infused ammo to push the mech back. Yang and Jac had the same idea, seeing as Yang tied Jac's hook around her waist and Jac made his wire roll back up at max speed, with Yang shooting back for extra speed. Jac catapulted Yang to the mech for her to deliver a devastating punch, destroying the mech. Roman came out of the wreck, dusting off his suit like this was more of an annoyance.

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