Chapter 12: READY TO RUMBLE!!!

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(3rd POV):

Teams RWBY and JNPR are sitting in Goodwitch's class, waiting for the fight to start. While Zane and Rai were getting ready, Ash and Jac were trying to get their small crowd hyped... and maybe bet some lien.

Jac: HELLLO EVERYONE!!! Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! And welcome, to the first fight between a team leader and his partner!

Ash: Now Jac, what exactly makes this fight so special?

Jac: I'm so glad you asked! Now, if you were to ask our contestants, they would say that this is a battle of pride. Now that's partially true, but let it be known that this is really a fight between refined talent and acquired skill.

Ash: Right you are. Now I know that some of you think that this may be one-sided, seeing that during the initiation, Zane was clearly the more capable fighter. But fear not! After some investigation-

Jac: We asked him.

Ash: -we found out that he was, and I quote, 'just out of my element, ok! I could have done it myself.'

Jac: Wonderful impression and quite a bold claim. Now, this is COMPLETLY optional, but we will be taking guesses on who you think will win along with the amount of money you are willing to put on the line for it. We advise you to do this now because we won't be taking any during the fight.

Blake: ...So you're taking bets?

Ash: That's one way of putting it.

Weiss: Ha! As if anyone here will feel pressured to do something so stupid as to gamble their lien for a sport like this.

Ruby: I BET 100 ON Zane!!!

Yang: I'll take that bet.

Weiss: Wha-, why woul-...Well, I bet 200 on Rai!

Blake: 200 for a guy you hate?

Weiss: Don't get me wrong, he's an ass, but his fighting prowess is nothing to scoff at.

Yang: *To Blake* She's just trying to go against Ruby.

Weiss: You can't prove that.


Ren: NORA!!! We don't have that kind of money.

Nora: Oh, sorry...sooo how much do we-

Ren: 20 liens.

Nora: That low!

Ren: Pancake batter is expensive in Vale.

Nora: Uhhhh, can I lower it to 10?

Jac: Sorry, nothing under 50.

Nora slumped down in disappointment. It didn't last long, as Pyrrha gave Nora some money out of the goodness of her heart. Ren mouthed a thank you to her and she just gave a soft smile. All the bets were in, Ruby, Yang, and Pyrrha were for Zane while Weiss, Nora, and Ren had their money on Rai. Blake and Jaune were the only ones that didn't participate.

Yang: How come you didn't bet Blake?

Blake: I'm not putting my money on the line for two guys I don't know all that well.

Yang: Fair enough.

Pyrrha: Jaune, If you need some lien, I'll be glad to lend you some.

Jaune: No Pyrrha, it's fine.

Pyrrha: Really? I thought you would want to support your friend.

Jaune: I do. Uhh, let's just say my family has a bad history of gambling.

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