Chapter 22: Dance Dance Infiltration

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(Zane POV):

Today was the dance and my team was getting ready for it, putting on our outfits we bought from shopping. One thing I hated about tuxedos, was their lack of movement. I could barely lift my legs or move my chest, making me look like a mannequin. Now I understand why people always look so stiff at all parties. As I was struggling to put on my tie, Jac came up behind me, wearing his full outfit, and combed his hair.

Jac: Excited?

Zane: I think so. I'm not really sure what to expect.

Jac: That's a good thing.

Zane: Or an incredibly bad thing.

Jac: Think that's all up to you whether or not it's good or bad.

I begrudgingly nodded and tried but failed to tie my, er tie. Rai must have seen this and turned me around to do it himself.

Rai: Honestly, how do you not know how to do this?

Zane: Different lifestyles.

Rai: I'll say.

He finished making my tie and now my neck was slightly tighter now. How Rai wore this stuff all day I will never know. I looked down at his suit, which honestly didn't seem any different from his usual wear. It was similar to mine but he was more on the reddish side and had a few more accessories.

Rai: There we go. All good for your date.

Zane: Surprised you even bother to try, considering.

Rai: What? Just because I'm going solo doesn't mean I can't look nice.

Zane: Just saying.

I looked over to see Ash gel his hair to look slim, which also had his hair pushed away enough that I can now see all two of his eyes. He had a nervous energy, seeing as he was constantly wiping his hands on his pants, so Jac decided to give him some words of encouragement.

Jac: You doing alright buddy?

Ash: Just nervous ... really nervous.

Jac: Makes sense. But remember, she asked you to the dance. Can't have better odds of success than that.

Ash: That sure is one way to look at it.

Jac: It's the best and quite frankly the only way to look at it.

Ash nodded and we all we're eventually got done getting ready. Ruby was probably already at the place already, with a beautiful dress and waiting for me. Well, it's too late to turn back now, time to kiss the rose.

(Small timeskip brought to you by Chibi Zane walking like a robot thanks to his suit)

We made it to the ballroom and Yang was there to greet us as a doorman. She was wearing a white dress that went to her knees with white heels to go with it. It was an odd choice look, considering that it was Yang wearing it, but Jac didn't seem to care.

 It was an odd choice look, considering that it was Yang wearing it, but Jac didn't seem to care

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