Chapter 25: The Truth

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(Flashback, Jac POV):

I looked up at Amber doing the dishes, still being suspicious about her. I don't trust this woman, not in the slightest, but I don't have anything to prove me right which just pisses me off. Zane seems to like her, really like her, which would be stupid if you asked me seeing as we're not staying.

Amber: You know it's rude to stare, Jacob.

Hearing that, I tried to hide behind the door frame but I could feel her looking at me still. I bit my tongue and went out of my hiding spot, seeing her still on her task while looking back at me, with that damn smile on her face.

Amber: So is there something you wanted to ask?

Jac: ... no.

Amber: I see. So when should I expect you to leave?

Jac: Why? You can't wait for us to be out of your hair?

Amber: Not at all, I just saw you taking food last night and put two and two together. *Sees that he's shocked* Don't worry, I'm not mad at you for stealing.

Jac: ...Why are you being so nice to us?

Amber: Because you needed help.

Jac: That's barely a reason.

Amber: It's enough for me.

I clicked my tongue in attitude, which made Amber's smile disappear. She put down a dish she was doing and walked over to me, bending down to my level. I had my guard up, despite her looking more sympathetic than mad, but that was hard to do when she put her hand on my shoulder.

Amber: Jacob, this world is cruel and unforgiving. It takes and leaves you with nothing. It's very easy to not trust a soul in it.

Jac: I know all that.

Amber: I know you do. That's why I don't blame you for not trusting me ... or wanting to leave. Whatever reason you have for leaving doesn't matter, I won't stop you regardless. You made it this far, so clearly you know what you're doing. But just know, if you ever need a place to stay, this place is always open.

Her words repeated in my head, like a broken record, and I didn't exactly know how to take it. I backed away feeling more confused than ever, which just made me mad, and decided to look for Zane. Why, I don't know, maybe to clear things up for ... one of us.

I found him staring at some framed photo of Amber in a white sundress, clearly when she was younger, and some nerd with glasses and a book. He stared at the photo like it was some sort of piece of art, examining it intently. At that moment, his admiring the picture of Amber was the nail in the coffin for me. At that moment, I knew what my choice was.

(End of flashback):

It's hard to believe that after all this time I would be back here, the last place I never thought I would be. I looked up at the wooden farmhouse, took a deep breath, and made my way to the door. I raised my fist to knock, but hesitated, going over the many possibilities in my head.

But like most things I dealt with in life, I bit my tongue and did it anyway. When I knocked I heard some commotion going on, multiple footsteps. From what I can tell, they're at least three people inside, which was weird since Amber lived alone. Eventually, someone opened the door and it was ... no one?

???: Hi.

I looked down and saw a kid, no older than 6, looking up at me while holding the door. At first I was confused but then I figured that it's been a really long time since I've last seen her, so it would make sense that she would move on. That or she was babysitting for someone ... yeah it was probably that.

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