F: Potty mouth

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(A/N): So you know how animes have those filler episodes that aren't really important to the story but are fun nonetheless...yeah that's what this is. Now, if you don't wanna read through this, that's alright, I'll always post a real chapter right after the filler one. I'm just doing this for fun.

(3rd POV):

ZRAJ is having a normal day of school. Trying to get through each lesson the best they could. Right now, they're in Dr. Oobleck's class, trying their hardest to understand what the fast talker was even saying.

Rai: Hmmm.

Well, all but one. Rai was staring at Ash, who was writing down the few words he can hear, rather intensely. He poked Ash's shoulder to get his attention.

Rai: Hey Ash, what starts with an f and ends within u c k?

Ash: ...Fat duck?

Rai: ...What.

Ash: Fat duck.

Rai: Th-that's two words.

Ash: You never said it had to be one.

Rai: Ugh! Ok, one word.

Ash: Firetruck.

Rai: No-Ah, forget it.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Ash using a fire hose to wash Chibi Rai)

It was night and ZRAJ is currently in their dorm doing various things, Zane was laying on his bed jotting down weapon ideas in his notebook, Jac is doing curl-ups on the floor, and Rai was rolling his chair still looking at Ash weirdly, who was just in bed on his scroll. Rai over to (Zane's bed while still looking at Ash.

Rai: *Whispers* Zane.

Zane: Yeah.

Rai: *Whispers* Have you ever heard Ash cuss?

Zane: *Thinks for a moment*...No.

Rai: *Whisper* Don't you think that's a bit weird?

Zane: Why are you whispering?

Rai: Just answer the question.

Zane: *Rolls eyes and sighs* No. It's not that weird. He's just one of those people that doesn't curse.

Rai: Maybe he's religious?

Zane: What do you want from me?

Rai: I want your help in getting Ash to curse. And not a soft one like damn or ass. I want to hear shit come out of his mouth

Zane: Ok...why?

Rai: I guess you could say I'm just fulfilling my curiosity.

Zane: Really? It's not because you're bored.

Rai: I've heard it both ways.

Zane: Riiight. Alright, I'll help you. Only to make sure you don't go too far or stupid.

Rai: Really!?! Great! Now we just need a plan of attack.

Zane: I got a few.

(Timeskip brought to you by chibi Zane and Rai in a top hat, large trench coat, and sunglasses)

(Zane POV):

Rai and I are in the hallways of Beacon, waiting for Ash to fall into our little trap. Well, it's more of an elaborate prank than a trap but that's not as cool to say. I knew he would come down this hallway sometime soon, seeing that just around the corner was the way to our dorm.

Rai: You're sure this will work?

Zane: Positive! All I have to do is pull the string to lift the floor a little so that he can hit his toe. Pain and anger will guarantee something out of his mouth.

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