F2: Finding a Tux

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(A/N): So this chapter is mainly just Team ZRAJ talking and maybe a few other stuff. It's a filler chapter, I felt like doing so you can just skip it if you're not feeling it.

(Zane POV):

Zane: Do we really have to do this?

Rai convinced the team to go to the mall. Why? Because we have to buy nicer clothes, his words not mine. Right now, we were in what was possibly the most pretentious clothing store. Every aisle was filled with overpriced suits, the architecture is made of some sort of expensive wood, and it having it be mainly filled with rich folk. It was hard not to feel out of place.

Rai: I'm sorry, have you seen the "nice" clothes you guys have? *Points to Ash* All you have is a collared shirt and tight jeans-

Ash just shrugged at that.

Rai: *Points at me* All you have is a tee shirt with a tie printed on it.

Zane: It was on sale, what can I say?

Rai: *Points at Rai* and all you have is one clean pair of underwear. Seriously, just one! How can someone so particular about their socks, and have a girlfriend no less, only have one clean pair of underwear?

Jac: Well if you must know-

Rai: Shut up, that was rhetorical. I don't know why you guys are complaining, this place has the best suits in Vale.

Jac: They look just like any other suit I've seen!

Ash: In fact, I think they sell the same suits at a cheaper price down at the first floor.

Jac: Hear that Rai? Cheaper and the same.

Rai: You do know I'm the one paying for all this, right?

Zane: *Tries not to laugh* yeah, with your dad's card.

Rai: Yeah, so by all means get the most expensive shit you can find.

He said that last part a bit more eagerly than I expected but I didn't really think much about it. We looked around for what felt like hours for a suit, which just seemed ridiculous, but he eventually found a few for all of us to try on. We made it to the changing room and Rai gave him three suits and told him to pick the best one. So there we were, Jac, Rai, and I waiting for Ash to pick one.

Jac: So ... we all got dates to this dance?

Zane: I do.

Rai: So now you two are officially a thing?

Zane: What!?! No! ... maybe... *Looks at Jac* D-does it?

Jac: Have you two kissed?

Zane: ... no.

Rai: Oh come on, at this point, they might as well just own up to it.

Jac: I'm just saying, a good kiss can get rid of all ambiguity.

Zane: Uhhh HEY Rai! Whose your date!?! That must be more interesting than this conversation!

Rai: Pfft, you're out of luck ... I don't have a date.

Zane/Jac: ... Eh?

Rai: I'm still going, just solo.

Jac: You seem ... oddly ok with that.

Rai: Do you have any idea how many dances I've been in? I usually find someone there anyway, so why bother?

Zane: And if you don't?

Rai: Their loss, not mine.

As if on cue, Ash came out of the dressing room and immediately looked at Rai.

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