Chapter 27: Zane out of the box

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(3rd POV):

In the middle of the unknown woods, Echo was walking with a huge box on his back, as per instruction from Roman. Zane was, at the moment, unconscious and tied up inside while Echo mumbled under his breath about the bullshit.

Echo: Stupid Roman. Making me carry him in a stupid box. This whole thing is just stupid, stupid, stupid! Am I right?

Zane is still unconscious, which Echo knows fully, but the idea of talking to himself is worse than talking to a sleeping guy on his back.

Echo: *Sigh*  What the hell am I doing? This whole situation is just giving me a headache. So let's get this over with, I'll hand you over to Roman and save my mom, sounds good right?

As expected, Zane didn't answer again but he did start to stir awake. When he opened his eyes, all he saw was darkness with some light shining through some holes and he felt the ropes and tape restrain him. He tried to move, but not only did the restraint make that impossible, but the box was so small that he couldn't even turn. Suddenly, he started to sweat and breathed in through his nose since his mouth was taped up. He tried to close his eyes to calm down but it only made things worse. Much worse.

(Zane POV):

I opened my eyes but I was no longer in a box, I was now in a closet. The door up ahead was bifold, the jackets and sweaters reached down to my forehead, and shoes spread out on the floor, some of which I was sitting on. I knew this closet, I knew it too well and for that reason it couldn't be real.

I closed my eyes again, repeating in my head that this wasn't real, but when I opened them again I was smaller. My restraints were gone, I had recently made scars and bruises and felt sore in every part of my body. I wasn't smaller, I was younger. I tried to close my eyes again but the door opened, slowly with a loud creak.

A silhouette of a tall, dirty woman looked down on me, gripping tightly a worn-out belt. I couldn't see the woman's face because of the jacket, but I didn't need to see her, I knew exactly who she was. My heart shot up, my nerves tensed, and tears welled up in my eyes.

Zane: N-no... *Voice breaks* n-n-no.

(3rd POV):

Echo was still walking with Zane on his back but he heard some noises from inside the box. He tried to ignore him so he could complete the mission but the sounds of crying made that hard to do.

Echo: *in his mind* No don't be nice, just finish the damn mission and save your mom. Now's not the time to stop and look to see if he's ok. He was an asshole with you.....*sighs* goddamnit!

Echo stops running and puts the box on the ground but before he opens it, he hesitantly looks at it since at any moment Zane could do something to escape.

Echo: Look, for your sake, don't do anything stupid or next time ill....agh fuck that.

Echo opened the box and, like a jack in the box, Zane popped out and hit Echo in the nose.

Echo: OW! Son of a butt-munching fudge fucker!

Echo quickly points his weapon at Zane, while he just tipped himself over and moved like a slug away from Echo.

Echo: Ok stop, I'm already regretting having bothered checking to see if you were okay.

Zane didn't respond and still moved away frantically, making Echo roll his eyes under his sunglasses and go over to pick the boy up from the ropes.

Echo: Look broski, I don't like this as much as you do but it's what I gotta do. So if you ... just ... are you crying?

Surprisingly, he was. Zane's eyes were red and he had tears going down his cheek. Despite that, he didn't look like he was crying from sadness, but of fear. Echo felt a little awkward and didn't know what to do in this situation. Eventually, he put his weapon away and faced palm at what he was about to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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