Human : Prologue

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My name is Joshua Robert Murday and this is the story of my life this is the story of how my universe was destroyed this is the story of how I survived, it was a warm and sunny day in Toronto in Canada I awoke from a long nights sleep and rubbed my eyes as I rose from my bed I walked over to my dresser and put on white underwear, black socks, black pants that had several pockets on them, a white shirt and black shoes I then left my room and entered the hallway before I walked down stairs to go to the kitchen for breakfast I passed by the living room where I could see Brian my Dad watching the news on TV my Dad had white skin, blue eyes, and brown hair he wore a brown shirt and black pants with several pockets on them and black shoes I made a quick stop to the bathroom to wash my hands I washed my hands before I looked at myself in the mirror I could see my white skin, my blue eyes and my brown hair I then left the bathroom and entered the kitchen and I could smell cooked bacon I looked and could see Linda my Mom cooking breakfast my Mom had white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair she wore a white shirt and black pants with several pockets on them and black shoes "Good morning." Linda said as she turned to face me with a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast in her hands "Here's your breakfast." Linda said as she placed the plate on the table "Thanks Mom." I said "I can't believe you're sixteen years old." Linda said, I turned sixteen years old a month ago but my Mom was still talking about it.

I grabbed a fork before sitting down at the table and began eating my breakfast and as I ate I could hear the TV in the living room "The relationship between Canada's government and it's people remains steady as the government rebuilds after years of conflict and civil strife due to the lack of resources." the news anchorman said "I still can't believe how quickly the world fell into chaos." Brian said, I heard about what was happening to the world from the news the world is running low on resources at first Humanity was desperately trying to find ways to keep society running despite the lack of resources but eventually every country in the world went to war with each other fighting for whatever resources were left eventually people turned against their governments and the fighting only got worst as the United Nations desperately tried to restore order that was years ago and the world has recovered for the most part countries and their governments are just barely scraping by but their managing despite the lack of resources the only exception being the United States Of America which I still haven't heard any news about nobody knows if they've recovered or if they're still struggling.

I finished my breakfast as I listened to the TV "In other news the world leaders will be gathering at the United Nations today to try and resolve any lingering issues that may still exist since the war." the news anchorman said, I stood up and put my fork and plate away suddenly I heard sounds of explosions and screaming coming from the TV me and my Mom quickly ran into the living room and looked at the TV I could see what looked like flying gunships and four legged Robots attacking the Canadian parliament building "Shit!" Brian shouted as we watched in horror "What's going on?" Linda asked, just then the TV started showing news reports from around the world and I could see that other countries were also being attacked just then a live video feed from the United Nations appeared on screen, several soldiers wearing black armour with red visors surrounded the edges of the room with their guns aimed at all the world leaders, suddenly a man walked up to the central podium he was tall he had white skin and short black hair and blue eyes he was wearing a black military uniform and black pants with several pockets on them and black boots standing behind him were five other people a woman with white skin and long black hair and blue eyes wearing a black military uniform and black pants with several pockets on them and black boots, a man with white skin and brown eyes and no hair on his head wearing a black coat and black pants with several pockets on them and black boots he had some kind of respiratory device on his mouth, another woman with white skin and short blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a black military uniform and black pants with several pockets on them and black boots, another man with with white skin and short black hair and brown eyes wearing a black lab coat and black pants with several pockets on them and black boots and another woman with white skin and red eyes wearing a black coat with a hood, just then the man on the central podium began to speak "People of the world I am Rulok leader of the Federation, we have seized complete control of the United States Of America and now we shall spread our power throughout the world, anyone who resists us will face destruction!" the man said "And just to show you that I'm serious." the man said as his raised his hand and with a snap of his finger the soldiers fired their guns and killed all of the world leaders before the video feed ended "Oh no." Linda said "We need to leave now!" Brian shouted as he grabbed me and my Mom before we ran out the front door, we ran out of the house and into the street as we ran we dodged swerving vehicles and screaming people "Where are we going?" I asked "Away, far away." Brian replied in a state of panic, it was clear that my Dad didn't have a plan as we ran I could hear the sounds of explosions, gunfire and screaming coming from all around me and as we entered an intersection a gunship flew overhead before turning back around and landing in front of us just then several soldiers in black armour with red visors exited the gunship and approached us "Stay where you are!" one of the soldiers shouted "Get on your knees!" another soldier yelled, we got on our knees as the soldiers ran up to us just then another soldier stepped off of the gunship this soldier was wearing different armour just then the different armoured soldier spoke "You know what to do, kill them." the different armoured soldier said as the other soldiers pointed their guns at us "You fucking bastards!" Brian yelled "Please don't!" Linda cried and just then I watched as one of the soldiers shot my Mom I then watched as my Mom collapse to the ground motionless Linda is dead.

My Dad screamed as the soldiers turned their attention towards him I looked around frantically for something anything that would get me out of here I looked down and could see a glass bottle nearby I reached over and grabbed it when the soldiers weren't paying attention and then quickly stood up turned around and struck one of the soldiers with the glass bottle causing it to shatter the soldier recoiled as the other soldiers turned their attention towards me and just then my Dad quickly stood up and ran the soldiers grabbed me before the different armoured soldier noticed my Dad "Looks like we got a runner!" the different armoured soldier said as one of the other soldiers raised his gun and pointed it towards my Dad before firing several shots I watched as the shots struck my Dad and he collapsed to the ground motionless Brian is dead.

I breathed heavily as the other soldiers held me in place before one of them approached me "This one is a fighter." one of the soldier's said "Just shoot him already?" the other soldier asked "No." the different armoured soldier said "Let's make this one to suffer, put him on the gunship we'll make sure he spends the rest of his life in a prison cell." the different armoured soldier said as he raised his gun and struck me with it, my head recoiled as my vision became blurry my eyes slowly closed and everything went black.

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