Human : Chapter 50

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                                                   Chapter 50

                                                     The Void

I opened my eyes and looked around I noticed that I was no longer in the capitol building but rather I was in my bedroom in my house I looked around and could see that everything in my room was just as I left it before the Federation attacked I rose from my bed and realized what was happening "I'm having another dream." I said, I walked up to my door I opened my door and peered out into the hallway the house was dark all of the lights in the house were on but they were all dimly lit I could hear what sounded like music coming from the storage room across from my bedroom I slowly walked out of my room and walked downstairs when I reached the ground floor I opened the living room door and looked inside the living room the furniture was left just as it was before the Federation attacked I then walked down the hall and into the kitchen I opened the door to the kitchen and looked inside everything was left just as it was before the Federation attacked I did however notice a fancy looking wine glass sitting on the table the same fancy looking wine glass that Valeria was holding when I met her, I then left the kitchen and walked back upstairs to try and find the source of the music that I was hearing I entered the storage room and could see a gramophone sitting on the table the same gramophone that was in the office at the Federation lab in Russia and what was worst is that it was playing the same song that Stahl was listening to when I met him just then I could hear what sounded like the back door opening I left the room and walk down the stairs I then walked towards the back door and I could see that the back door was slowly beginning to open I approached the back door I peered outside through the gap I couldn't see anything except for darkness but just then I saw Mayhem attempting to open the door she had black eyes I immediately slammed the door shut before I stepped back from the door as I began to panic "Oh fuck." I said, suddenly I heard what sounded like one of the upstairs windows opening I quickly ran upstairs and entered the room where the sound was loudest which was my Mom and my Dad's bedroom I then saw that one of the windows was slowly opening I ran up to the window and closed it before I looked out through the window and could see Nitro outside with his hands on the window he had black eyes I looked away from the window I then looked back at the window and could see that Nitro was no longer there I quickly ran out into the hallway and looked around as my situation immediately became clear I was trapped inside my house desperately trying to fend off the Ghosts.

I ran back downstairs and tried to think about what I was going to do when suddenly I heard the familiar sound of Skitter's Disguise Device activating it sounded like it came from the dining room I ran into the dining room and looked around at first I didn't see anything but then I noticed that there was a chair that looked out of place I walked up to the chair and looked at it before speaking "Skitter?" I said, I looked away for a moment and when I looked back I noticed that the chair was no longer there suddenly I could hear Skitter's voice "Come and join us in death." Skitter said "Shit I should have taken Skitter's Disguise Device off of him before I killed him." I thought, I paused for a moment to collect myself but just then I heard what sounded like scraping stone it sounded like it was coming from the basement I quickly ran down into the basement I ran into the part of the basement where the sound was the loudest and could see a familiar looking stone sarcophagus sitting in the center of the area I could also see that the lid of the sarcophagus was slowly opening I quickly ran up to the sarcophagus I then looked inside the sarcophagus and could see Cydaea laying inside of the sarcophagus she had black eyes she was slowly opening the lid of the sarcophagus I quickly closed the lid of the sarcophagus before I heard Cydaea speak "We will make you suffer Josh." Cydaea said, I slowly backed away from the sarcophagus as I breathed heavily suddenly I could hear what sounded like metal twisting it sounded like it was coming from the ground floor I ran upstairs and followed the sound until I arrived at the source of the noise it was one of the vents on the wall that circulate air throughout the house and the cover of the vent was beginning to open I quickly shut the vent before looking inside to try and see who was attempting to coming through it that's when I saw Sheila inside the vent I looked away for a moment before I looked back and could see that Sheila was no longer there I took a quick breath before I looked around and noticed that all the lights in the house were starting to flicker "Oh shit." I said as I realized that I was about to be left in the dark with the Ghosts trying to kill me I remembered that there is a generator in the basement so I quickly ran down to the basement and found the generator I inspected the generator and could see that it was running and it was about to run out of fuel I quickly turned around and saw a fuel container on a shelf behind me I ran up to it and grabbed the fuel container when suddenly I heard a voice "Better keep the lights on." the voice said, I immediately recognized the voice as Belial I rushed back to the generator and opened the fuel cap on it I then opened the fuel container and poured all of the fuel into the generator and within moments the generator was full and all the lights in the house stopped flickering I took a deep breath as I dropped the fuel container I took a breath as I could hear the sound of the music coming from the gramophone in the storage room on the second floor and more importantly I could hear the music beginning to slow down I ran up to the second floor and ran into the storage room I entered the storage room and saw the gramophone I approached the gramophone and could see that it was about to lose power I quickly grabbed the crank on the side of the gramophone and began to wind it up and as I did so I heard another voice "You don't want to know what happens when the music stops." the voice said, I immediately recognized the voice as Stahl, once I was finished winding up the gramophone I took a moment to collect myself but suddenly I heard what sounded like the computer in the office at the other end of the hall turn on I quickly ran to the other end of the hall and into the office and once I was there I could see Manticore on the computer monitor staring at me I quickly ran up to the computer and turned it off but just then I heard the telephone on the ground floor ringing I quickly ran downstairs and ran up to the telephone that was mounted on the wall in the hallway I picked up the telephone and held it to my ear just then I heard a voice on the telephone "We're all coming to get you Josh." the voice said, I immediately recognized the voice as Calina I quickly hung up the telephone when suddenly I heard the TV in the living room turn on "Oh come on give me a fucking break!" I said as I ran into the living room and sure enough the TV was on and I could see a hypnotic spiral on the TV the same hypnotic spiral that I saw on the device that De'vorah pulled out of her pocket when she hypnotized me I averted my gaze from the TV as I ran up to the TV and as I approached the TV I heard a voice "We will torture you forever." the voice said, I immediately recognized the voice as De'vorah I turned the TV off and once the TV was off I heard another sound this time it sounded like the nearby closet door opening I turned around and could see the closet in the living room slowly opening I walked up to it and peered inside and I could see Vex inside the closet slowly opening the door I quickly slammed the closet door shut but just then I heard what sounded like liquid dripping into something and it was coming from the kitchen I quickly ran over to the kitchen and once I entered I noticed that the fancy looking wine glass on the table was slowly filling with... "Blood." I said, suddenly I heard another voice "I'll soon have your blood Joshua." the voice said, I immediately recognized the voice as Valeria I quickly picked up the wine glass and dumped the blood that was in it out into the kitchen sink I could then hear what sounded like something scratching against glass and it was coming from the bathroom I quickly ran out of the kitchen and into the bathroom and once inside I immediately noticed Rulok in the mirror he had black eyes and in a fit of blind terror and panic I punched the mirror as hard as I could causing it to shatter into pieces I then looked down at the floor and could see the broken pieces of the mirror and I noticed that Rulok was no longer there I stood there breathing heavily my mind raced I was overwhelmed with everything that was happening.

I stood in the bathroom trying to collect my thoughts before I heard what sounded like a radio it was coming from the garage I ran towards the garage and once I entered the garage I saw a radio sitting on a workbench I walked up to the radio and listened to it suddenly I heard a voice coming from the radio "This is the end for you Josh" the voice said, I immediately recognized the voice as Grimskull I quickly turned the radio off before I turned around and could see Linda standing there staring at me just then she rushed towards me and attacked me, I immediately ran out of the garage and ran into the living room to avoid her but as I entered the living room I saw Brian standing there staring at me just then he rushed towards me and attacked me, I quickly ran out of the living room and ran upstairs towards the second floor but just then the entire house began to shake I grabbed the railing on the stairs before I looked up the stairs and could see that the entire roof of the house had been torn off I looked up and could see Akasha floating above the house she reached down to try and grab me but I ran before she could grab me I then ran downstairs towards the basement but just then I felt the house shake again I looked downstairs and could see a massive hole emerge in the basement floor I looked into the hole and I could see Desiree floating beneath the house she reached up to try and grab me but I ran before she could grab me I then ran upstairs towards the ground floor but just then I could see several Ghosts surrounding me just then they rushed towards me and attacked me, I ran towards the bathroom when suddenly I could see a group of Angels coming down the stairs from the second floor as well as a group of Demons coming up the stairs from the basement all of the Angels and the Demons charged towards me I ran into the bathroom and closed the door before I hid in the shower I huddled down and begged for this to be over I heard the laughs of Akasha and Desire, I heard the roars of the Angels and the Demons, I heard the screams of the Ghosts, I saw the lights flicker, I heard the TV turn back on, I heard the computer turn back on, I heard the radio turn back on, I heard the telephone ringing, I heard the gramophone begin to lose power, I heard the doors creek open, I heard the windows shift open, I heard the vents squeak open, I heard the closets crack open, I heard the wine glass fill up, I heard the sarcophagus open, I heard Skitter's device activate, I heard the voices of my Mom and my Dad, I looked down and could see Rulok in the shattered pieces of the mirror I was surrounded by everyone and there was nothing I could do to stop them I closed my eyes and braced for the end when suddenly I heard a knock at the front door and just like that everything stopped and the entire house was now silent I slowly stood up before I walked up to the bathroom door and opened it slightly I peered out into the hallway and to my relief there was nothing there I was alone in the house and someone was knocking on the front door I slowly exited the bathroom and walked up to the front door and took a deep breath before opening the door and just then the front door burst open I looked towards the door and could see Viper standing in the doorway she had black eyes she entered the house and looked at me "Welcome home Josh." Viper said as she rushed towards me and attacked me, I ran from her as I sprinted upstairs and into my bedroom I quickly jumped into my bed as I heard Viper coming up the stairs I hid under the blankets as I cowered in fear I then closed my eyes for a moment before I opened my eyes and when I opened my eyes I noticed that I was back in Washington DC.

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