Human : Chapter 49

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                                                     Chapter 49


I put all my weapons back in my inventory and put all my items back in there pouches just then I heard the sound of someone approaching my room before knocking at my door I walked over to the door and opened it, as I opened the door I could see Mayhem standing in the corridor "It's time." Mayhem said "Right." I said before Mayhem walked away, I pulled my assault rifle out of my suit's inventory before I took a moment to reflect on everything that has happened I suffered so much and hurt so many people people that probably didn't deserve it but I didn't care I only care about my own interests I have conquered so many places and I have conquered so many people the only thing that matters to me is me I then picked The Antimatter Cannon up off of my dresser and I put the two straps around each of my shoulders and I was now carrying The Antimatter Cannon on my back The Antimatter Cannon sat on top of the large rectangular portion on the back of my suit and the two straps were secured around each of my shoulders I then walked out of my room before I turned around to close the door and just then I saw Sheila standing in my room she had black eyes "I am not loyal to you Josh." Sheila said before she rushed towards me and attacked me, I quickly closed the door before I began making my way towards the hangar I made my way through the corridors and into the hangar before walking towards the command room and stepping inside as I entered I could see Nitro, Mayhem, Cydaea and Viper and all the other Resistance fighters standing around the table "Alright everyone this is it, the time has finally come for us to reclaim our world." Viper said as she placed her hands on a map of Washington DC "We will land on the outskirts of the city and fight our way through the streets all the way towards the capitol building." Viper said as she pointed to the capitol building on the map "The Federation is gonna throw everything they've got at us, and I've just intercepted a message from Rulok himself he's ordered all Federation forces back to the Washington DC to defend the city." Nitro said "And we will throw everything we have at them." Viper replied "We'll fight our way street by street building by building room by room and wipe them all out!" Mayhem said "This will be our final fight." Cydaea said "Josh is there anything you would like to say?" Viper asked as everyone looked at me "Let's do this." I said as Viper nodded and everyone left the command room and began boarding the transports, I followed Nitro, Mayhem, Cydaea and Viper towards a transport the back door of the transport opened and we all boarded the transport and sat down the back door of the transport then closed as the transports took off and flew out of the hangar and made there way towards the United States Of America.

The transports all flew in formation across the ocean and as I looked out the window I could see several different looking ships fly in and join our formation "Who are they?" I asked "The world." Viper replied as I continued to look and saw that there weren't that many ships heading towards the United States Of America, the transports soon arrived in the United States Of America and as we approached the city the Federation forces within the city began to fire on us and knocking out several transports "We're taking heavy fire from the city, we're not gonna make it!" the pilot yelled "Land on the outskirts of the city!" Viper replied as the transport landed on the outskirts of the city the back door of the transport opened and we all ran out the back door of the transport closed as I looked over and saw the other transports land the back doors of the transports opened and I watched as Resistance fighters ran out of the transports and into the city just then I saw the different looking ships land the different looking ships opened and I could see people running out of the different looking ships the people were carrying Federation guns suddenly a man from one of the different looking ships approach us before talking to Viper "We got your message Viper." the man said "Is this all there is?" Viper asked "After people began rising up against the Federation the Federation began killing everyone they slaughtered everyone all over the world, we tried reaching out to anyone around the world but there's nobody left everyone is dead we're all that's left of the Humanity." the man said, Viper paused for a moment before speaking "We've come too far to give up now." Viper said before Mayhem raised her weapon "Let's get 'em!" Mayhem yelled as we all charged into the city.

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