Human : Chapter 20

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                                                         Chapter 20

                                      Both Sides Against The Middle

The transport arrived back in Scotland as it flew towards the Resistance base before flying into the hangar and landing the back door of the transport opened I then stepped out the back door of the transport then closed as I made my way towards the command room where I could see Nitro "You're back I've got you're next mission." Nitro said "Alright." I said "We've intercepted a Federation transmission the Federation have a facility in Zenemayia in Baselgur I want you to take it out." Nitro said "Sure thing." I replied "The transport will take you to the outskirts of Zenemayia get in there and destroy that Federation facility." Nitro said "I'm on it." I said as I turned around and walked out of the command room, I walked up to the crate of ammunition and refilled my ammo before I walked up to the transport the back door of the transport opened and I stepped aboard just then I looked and could see Stahl standing just outside of the transport he had black eyes just then he rushed towards me and attacked me but before he could reach me the back door of the transport closed "Take me to Zenemayia in Baselgur." I said "Alright Josh." the pilot replied as the transport took off and flew out of the hanger before making it's way towards Baselgur.

The transport arrived in Baselgur as it landed just on the outskirts of Zenemayia the back door of the transport opened and I stepped out the back door of the transport then closed as I activated my communicator "Nitro this is Josh, I'm ready to begin." I said "Alright Josh the Federation facility is somewhere in the city, find it and destroy it." Nitro said "Will do." I said as I deactivated my communicator, I then began moving towards the city but just then I could see Linda, Brian, De'vorah and Belial as well as several Ghosts just then they rushed towards me and attacked me, I ran from them as I approached the city.

I entered the city and could see Federation soldiers everywhere I ran into a nearby alley to avoid being spotted I walked to the other side of the ally before I poked my head out into the street to try and find the Federation facility I looked around but I couldn't see any Federation facility just then I heard a noise coming from behind me I turned around and could see a Hybrid standing there the Hybrid looked almost Human but it was short it crawled on it's hands and feet which had sharp claws on them there were metal spikes coming out of it's body and it had a large metal spike coming out of it's mouth the Hybrid screeched at me before it began quickly crawling towards me I wasted no time evading it's attack before I extended my blade and sliced the Hybrid as it ran past me the Hybrid then collapsed to the ground dead "What the fuck." I retracted my blade before I continued moving through the city.

I continued moving through the city searching for the Federation facility but I couldn't find it I ran from alley to alley as I kept searching I continued moving through the city but just then I heard what sounded like screaming I turned to face where the sound was coming from and I could see several people in the street running away from a group of Angels I then heard gunfire I turned to face where the sound of gunfire was coming from and I could see a group of Federation soldiers fighting a group of Demons I stood there looking back and fourth between the Angels and the Demons as I began to think "There's not about to be a..." I thought before I tried to reason with myself "No surely not." I thought but just then I heard the dreaded sound of the cathedral bells ringing "Fuck!" I screamed as my suspicions were confirmed and I wasted no time sprinting towards the cathedral.

I ran through the streets as I heard the cathedral bells ring the cathedral bells ringing means only one thing this city was about to become a battlefield for the Angels and the Demons I looked around as I ran and I could see groups of people running towards the cathedral just like I was doing I could also see several Angels and Demons appear and begin attacking each other killing anybody that got caught in the crossfire as I was running I noticed several Federation soldiers emerge from different streets and begin attacking the Angels and the Demons the Federation soldiers managed to kill a few of the smaller Angels and the Demons but the Federation soldiers were quickly killed by the larger Angels and Demons I continued running as more Angels and Demons appeared I did my best to avoid any Federation soldiers that showed up as I continued running towards the cathedral just then several Angels and Demon appeared in front of me they began attacking each other before they noticed me the Angels and the Demons then began attacking me I dodged their attacks as I raised my assault rifle and began firing I managed to kill some of the Angels and the Demons but more Angels and Demons kept appearing and I quickly realized that I couldn't fight my way out of this situation I stopped attacking the Angels and the Demons and ran towards the cathedral and the Angels and the Demons that were attacking me began chasing me, I ran as I got closer to the cathedral and as I ran I looked around and could see that the entire city had become a battlefield Angels and Demons were fighting each other in every street people were being slaughtered and the Federation soldiers tried to kill the Angels and the Demons but they were overwhelmed I continued running until I finally arrived at the cathedral I looked up and could see the colossal cathedral in front of me cathedrals are built in every Human city they are always built in the center of the city and they are so big that they take up most of the city and every cathedral is built to be exactly the same, I looked ahead and could see the grand staircase that led up to the great hall I wasted no time running up the grand staircase and as I ran I looked around and could see several other people running up the grand staircase as well the people running up the grand staircase were fortunate enough to have escaped the Angels and the Demons but we were not safe yet once we reached the top of the grand staircase and entered the great hall then we would be safe from the Angels and the Demons, I ran up the grand staircase as people frantically ran past me it took awhile to reach the top of the grand staircase but eventually I made it and once I reached the top of the grand staircase I looked ahead and could see a massive door that led to the great hall I quickly ran up to the massive door as it opened I watched the other people in the city enter the great hall I then looked back and could see that the entire city was burning there were Angels and Demons everywhere I then noticed a building in the city that looked like a Federation facility and I watched as the Federation facility was destroyed by the Angels and the Demons I sighed as I walked through the massive door and once everyone was inside the great hall the massive door closed.

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